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  1. #1
    Community Member skyecaitlin88's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Default AC Fighter Build help!

    Ok.. Ive never made a fighter, and the melee toon I do have is a WF who just hits hard!
    I'm attempting to roll a fighter, with lots of HPs and a higher AC so I dont get hit as much or as hard!
    I really dont want to be a dwarf, or a wf!
    I was thinking halfling
    Any hints of help would be appreciated
    Thanks guys
    Dewie-lvl 16 Cleric Drow
    Dewiee-lvl 16 sorc Drow (2110 sp)
    Dewieee-lvl 14 rogue13/cleric1 Halfling
    Dewieeee-lvl 15 Barbarian WF

  2. #2
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyecaitlin88 View Post
    Ok.. Ive never made a fighter, and the melee toon I do have is a WF who just hits hard!
    I'm attempting to roll a fighter, with lots of HPs and a higher AC so I dont get hit as much or as hard!
    I really dont want to be a dwarf, or a wf!
    I was thinking halfling
    Any hints of help would be appreciated
    Thanks guys
    Ya may wantto hold off until we get a better idea on what the other Fighter PrEs are going to be.

    just a suggestion

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  3. #3
    Relic of the Last War
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    Thumbs up Again, Aesop's right there

    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    Ya may wantto hold off until we get a better idea on what the other Fighter PrEs are going to be.

    just a suggestion

    It's like you've got your tongue in my mouth 'cuz that's what I would have said.

    To build on Aesop's wisdom, which is spot on, if you must begin a fighter at all consider the style and build around the 3 anticipated fighter builds.

    Consider if you need to splash in anything too -- especially if it's bard, rogue or ranger so you take that level first.

    Consider alignment for splash-effect (specifically Bard, Barb, Paly, or Monk). After that, you could probably run up to level 4 or 5 without any serious harm to yourself if you've thought it through.

    If you want to use the Kensai you probably have enough information now in the Fighter Forums under Eladrin's post on the Kensai Enhancements to make a pre-release fighter type.

    He also stated he would be releasing one of the new PrE every week, so the other 2 will be available soon for the viewing. And don't forget the Paladin PrEs as well that you may consider splashing for a 6 or 11 6 12 split etc. (Like, Kensai level 12 fighter, 6 Paly (for a paly prestige), 2 monk or 2 rogue.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Also keep in mind that if are going an AC/DR build, you will need intimidate....and if you go halfling, you will probably always be at an extra -4 than most other tanks....

  5. #5
    Community Member gamblerjoe's Avatar
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    what kist and aesop said.

    now my 2c beyond that.

    Here are the advantages to a Dragonmarked Human Ftr16. Bear in mind that the priniciples here do not rule out mulitclassing. First of all, Fighters get a ton of feats, which means if you plan them out, and take them at the apropriate levels, you can afford frivilous feats such as Bullheaded, Skill Focus (intim), not to mention the dragonmark itself. As a human you will have access to the Sentinal Dragonmark which gives a bonus to intimidate, and allow you to spend APs to increase it further. I reccomend only the least dragonmark. Humans also get a bonus feat and an extra skill point per level. If you hammer on your intimidate skill like this (including the ftr intim AP line) you can safely start w/ 8 cha.

    As far as how you perform in melee, there are a couple different paths one can take. You can be a straight beater, or you can be a high AC fighter. Either way you also have to option of being a "tactical" fighter, ie one who takes combat expertise, imp trip etc. I will digress here, as this is not my area of expertise.

    Build your toon around endgame raid loot. The new stuff they are doing for sword-and-board fighters is quite nice, and if you want to take full advantage of it, you have to know what your ability scores will be, and what slots you will have available for your optimal gear scheme. Also, one of the most important parts about building a ftr is knowing what to start your dex at. figure out what armor u will be wearing, and how much armor mastery you will have. assume you will read a +2/+3 book and wear a +6 item, and work backwords to figure out where to start it.

    there is my verbous response. i hope it helps... and seriously, wait till they unnerf fighters b4 u roll it

    *edit: i forgot to mention the Human action boost has 5 options, one of which is a skill boost. great for an intimitank!
    Last edited by gamblerjoe; 11-26-2008 at 04:05 PM.
    <I Do Haste Potions>
    Quote Originally Posted by Patience View Post
    gamblerjoe is right

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