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Ive been a customer for 2 years now and had multiple account issues such as weapons u can equip and they dont do anymore damage than bare hands or armor that u put on and get no bonus and out of that 2 years of being told to send emails to turbine not a single email has ever been answered. Now a couple weeks back I had another issue on my account for supposed abuse of in game i was banned for 7 days got the email saying i was banned 7 days yet almost a month later my account is still banned. U call turbine not their problem u have to speak with in game they say. A little hard being that my account is banned. They say send an email follow the instructions on the ban letter to get in touch with in game so u send the emails to the same place they normally go for in game and ofcourse no answer. I find it humurous that the only way to contact in game support is either in game or emails which they never answer so im wondering when turbine is ever going to get a real in game support or on that will actually fix account issues instead of saying send a email that will never be answered. So how does the gms say to solve this type of issue my first ban in 2 years and not only does turbine not end the ban on time they refuse to answer any emails on the issue or any issue since ive been a customer