Fleshchanter Battlebard
Warforged Warchanter
Mod 9 Speculation
Level 1: Bard
Feat: Extend Spell
Level 2: Fighter
Important Enhancement:WF Great Weapon Aptitude I
Level 3: Bard
Level 4: Bard
Level Point:Strength
Level 5: Bard
Level 6: Bard
Feat:Power Attack
Level 7: Bard
Important Enhancement:Warchanter
Level 8: Fighter
Important Enhancement: WF Great Weapon Aptitude II
Level Point:Strength
Level 9: Bard
Feat: SF:UMD
Level 10: Bard
Level 11: Bard
Level 12: Bard
Feat: IC: Slashing
Level Point:Strength
Level 13: Bard
Level 14: Bard
Level 15: Bard
Important Enhancement:WF Greater Weapon Aptitude III
Level 16: Bard
Level Point:Strength
Level 17: Bard
Level 18: Bard
Level 19: Bard
Level 20: Bard
Level point:strength
This is speculation on how I would have built Fleshchanter had I started him post-mod 9 as we know it. I am hoping that this build has room for Warchanter II and III if they add it but truth be told AP are probably awful tight so we will have to see what those look like when they are released.
Fleshchanter is a 15 brd/1 ftr but I have rearranged the level orders and added another fighter level before 16 to optimize feats/enhancements.
Skill points should of course go to UMD, other than that its up to you but I happen to favor stealth so I have a lot in move silent and hide I can self buff to 37 hide/36 move silent which is good enough for just about anything that can be sneaked by currently in game.
Beginning stats:
str 18
dex 9
con 15
int 8
wis 6
chr 14
Current stats unraged:
str 30
dex 15
con 24
int 9
wis 6
chr 24
HP:348 unraged
Weapon: Get carnifex as soon as possible and use that until you have a min II greataxe.
Gear @ level 16:
Minos Legens
Thrane's Goggles
Seven Fingered Gloves
Ring of Thelis
Mummified Bat
Dragontouched Docent (Corrosive Salt Guard and Freezing Ice Guard ATM hoping to add GFL)
Bard's Cloak
Levik's Bracers
Con +6 Belt
GFL ring/Hide +15 ring
Dex +6 boots/madstone boots/move silent +15 boots
Necklace of haggling +15(just got gloves to replace cartouche plan to make +45 hp greensteel necklace)
Enhancements I didn't mention that are important:
Fighter/Racial Toughness
Warforged Power Attack
Inspire Courage Damage/To Hit enahancements (and 2 tiers of the fear one for Warchanter)
Lingering song (all levels)
WF Constitution
Bard Charisma (I only have two tiers of this atm)
Spells Memmed:
Focused Chant
Detect Secret Doors
Greater Heroism
Good Hope
Freedom of Movement
Cure Critical Wounds
Please point out any errors so that I may correct them. Thank you.
BTW: Daemonis's Warforgedchanter build was the original inspiration for this build, so thank you Daemonis.