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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Kensai Feat Builds...TWF??

    I have counted the feats I would like...Khopesh,TWF, GTWF, ITWF, Power Attack, Oversized TWF, Imp Crit Slash.....on top of the Prereqs Weapon Focus & Spec, Grt Weapn Focus & Spec, Sup Weapon Focus & Spec. That would be a total of 12 feats. Are there any I missed that are required?? And are there any I missed that would make the build shine a bit more>>> I tought the left over feats I would dump into Toughness for a bit more staying power. Full fighter at 20 will have 11 fighter bounus feats and and 7 standard feats. So that could leave me 6 slots for toughness or other misc feats. Also will there be a Sup two weaponn fighting feat??

    Note Edit: Added Khopesh....and will prob go more feat.
    Last edited by Justicesar; 11-25-2008 at 10:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Toughness is always nice, and Improved Crit: Piercing is good to have too (hey, if you're going all, or mostly Fighter, you have plenty of feats to play with) for those times you need to stat damage something.

    Combat Expertise is good if you find yourself tanking alot, and have the INT required to obtain it (13+ INT).

    If you're absolutely swimming in feats still at this point, also consider the shield mastery line for those times you might want a shield; dodge/mobility/spring attack if you find yourself moving alot (disregard these if you're one of those "hit intimidate and stay in one place" people, as I am); and perhaps Bullheaded (+1 will save, +2 intimidate) or Luck of Heroes (+1 to all saves) if you want to shore up some of your saves (Fighters don't have the best Reflex or Will saves...).
    Lastly, Exotic Weapon proficiencies seem to be all the rage these days, so most people go Khopesh for the damage potential (X3 crit is nice), or bastard swords for the availability of them on the market. Just something else to consider.

    As for Superior TWF - it has been gossiped about for some time, but I don't think anything's definitive on if it will eventually make it ingame or not. It was in the compendium at one point - not sure if it still is, but it did show 19 Dex and BAB 16+. But only the devs know for sure what is happening with it.

  3. #3
    Community Member EKKM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    In addition to defensive feats like bullheaded, luck of heroes and iron will, consider the tactics feats like stunning blow and improved trip (reqs combat expertise)

    I understand Kensai will improve the DCS of these attacks as well.

    Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
    Member of D.W.A.T.

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