I have counted the feats I would like...Khopesh,TWF, GTWF, ITWF, Power Attack, Oversized TWF, Imp Crit Slash.....on top of the Prereqs Weapon Focus & Spec, Grt Weapn Focus & Spec, Sup Weapon Focus & Spec. That would be a total of 12 feats. Are there any I missed that are required?? And are there any I missed that would make the build shine a bit more>>> I tought the left over feats I would dump into Toughness for a bit more staying power. Full fighter at 20 will have 11 fighter bounus feats and and 7 standard feats. So that could leave me 6 slots for toughness or other misc feats. Also will there be a Sup two weaponn fighting feat??
Note Edit: Added Khopesh....and will prob go human....one more feat.