Nothing to see here, move along.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Last edited by Kraldor; 09-30-2009 at 09:42 PM.
Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder
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|||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||
Good list spyder i am glad you finaly rembered i am a fighter even tho i don't have the icon... i like to be sneaky like that.
my list would be from last time i played
Cleric.......... Cyris(i think this is her cleric :P)
Rogue..........Jackknife (mostly just to **** off angel and the fact that jack is better
Monk...........they still make monks?
Bard.............ppl use these for anythying other then haggle?![]()
Don't find fault, find a remedy - If you think you're too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.
Everyone looks to NSR for info but hates Me for knowing it all!
The other girl in Caffeine....Jillina 20 Dharling 19 Freakygirl 17 Safire 7 Nekyia 16 Elora 12 Fraublucher 7 Asharah 6 Milfy 4
No one gets lost, or falls off things and dies better than any (read~all) of my characters.
Anyone who's ever teamed with me knows who they are.![]()
Paladin.........Zeebad, Honorable Mention: Knacker
Barbarian......Ludefisk, Honorable Mention: Mackreeger
Cleric...........Tyerez, Honorable Mention: Amma
Sorc............Iriss, Honorable Mention: Pixie (Retired from DDO)
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
Officer - The Harpers (Sarlona)
Inzo Lvl 16 Wiz, Hanoran - Lvl 16 Clr, Emrik - Lvl 16 Ftr, Drizzita - 9/4/3 Rgr/Ftr/Rog
Lol....where is your list? I was joking around a bit... and to preserve the "virtuous demeanor" of other Harper females, ( ::cough:: lets forget about the official position ::cough:: ) I will just throw myself into the running for Tart and see if anyone agrees.
I do have opinions about this. The only thing is some choices would be Harpers some would not, some choices would be friends..some people I have played with rarely and I am not prepared to make a list so big as to be ridiculas or upset people I like by excluding them. Some of my choices are represented already, some are not but you will notice I never have seriously posted a list like this...its like tiptoing though a minefield
Sarlona Guild Succesor for The Harpers...Here nonstop since March 2006
Sheelagh 30 cleric/ Sidheag 30 FVS/ Catiriona 30 druid/ Dirrty barbarian/ Vigdis fighter/ Banan bard and various others
My list? That would entail me trying to figure out if I actually liked somebody enough to even remember their name. Plus, I would never say that I think Rincewind is a **** fine wizard or anything like that. I mean, he's like from Australia, and nothing good ever comes from there.
And hell, Angel. I don't know if he's a rogue, or just likes playing toons in skimpy leather outfits. I think it's the latter, of which I can attest are usually spectacular looking in their skimpy outfits, but "rogue"? I don't know. Just usually see him running around skimpy and bleeding.
And sheesh, clerics! Come on, how hard is it to plant your butt in one spot and hit a heal button repeatedly? Personally, don't even think cleric should have been on the list.
Fighters?? Yeah, you're meat, get over yourself. That is unless you're tin, but still get over yourself.
Rangers?? "Ooooh, look at me, I'm a ranger!". Yeah, well you still smell like deer pi$$.
Paladins?? Never mind
Sorcerers? Cocky bunch there. I'll give that one to Omber..... When he can actually stay ALIVE more than 30 seconds. "Omber, the not as great an elemental slayer as Kernite, but still effective, until said elemental casually walks up to Omber and proceeds to pummel him into the dirt before Omber can even ask, "why are you pummeling me into the dirt Mr (or Mrs) Elemental?""
"Because Mr. Omber, if I don't kill you within 30 seconds, you will surely unleash a furious hell upon me." To that Omber must say, "I understand", and then proceeds to die, gloriously, and usually... alone.
Last edited by minivanman; 12-07-2008 at 02:04 AM.
Officer - The Harpers (Sarlona)
Inzo Lvl 16 Wiz, Hanoran - Lvl 16 Clr, Emrik - Lvl 16 Ftr, Drizzita - 9/4/3 Rgr/Ftr/Rog
Pssh. The best monk is my character (Avatarblu) but that's based purely on the fact that its me playing it and I love him. Plus I am awesome.
I like Wilfrred as a cleric - can be both a battle caster and healer, a good strong build. Plus he has a pretty easy going attitude about things and is usually drunk on whiskey or scotch when playing.
Pertan is my wizard of choice - High damage output when he needs to and is pretty knowledgable on what spells are needed and when. And he finally updated his graphics card so he will actually see what he is casting. Miracles of Modern Science abound!!
Windwhisper is a good rogue - Pretty solid rogue esque skills on top of some pretty good assassinations
Fighter type - well I like Papamike, Rottenhell, Kamaron pretty evenly. Have to give it to kamaron though as he put ranks in Intimidate.
Notables - Mysticwolf and Caerina , good people and sorcerers. They splasshed a level of rogue, paladin respectively that might hurt them in end content but are fun to play with nontheless. Fireyez is a good Wizard but I think he may play ddo roughly 30 - 40 hrs a day with his amount of loot.
Is it wrong that they are just people I play with? Nah. Rankings are in the eye of the beholder.
Perhaps we should phrase it differently "The most fun to play with" seems like a lot better list to me. I generally have no real people I dislike playing with. Now, do I sometimes mutter "dippy mcgoo" at certain things people have done, sure but everyone probably does it (except about me as I am awesome). Heck even the non - English speaking guys from China are pretty awesome for loot runs in the explorer areas. Teach you a lot (inadvertantly) about the best ways to kill things and or beat certain rares.
I thought I would update my list and bump and old thread, since it's been 9 months since anyone has posted here.
Fighter............Spyderwolf (more accurately, Spyderwolf's gear + user)
Ranger............Vulger (Honorable mention: Tenzeck)
Wizard............Technical (only wizard I know of...)
Last edited by mediocresurgeon; 09-30-2009 at 09:52 PM.
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
Barbarian.........Seriously now, all barbs are awesome.
Bard................Mudatard (When he passes out his AC song)
Clempestonk.....What the heck is a Clempestonk?
Cleric..............Christiany, Laydie, Metasyn, Cartel
Fighter............Spyderwolf, Grimbite (Do multiclass muts count?)
Monk..............Anyone that can cap a monk is spectacular in so many ways.
Ranger............Silly rangers...
Rogue.............Dethe (He's very good at falling off things. Like stairs)
Sorc...............Hennet (who only casts haste 4 times a year)
Wizard............Ed (in all his Ed-carnations)
Best AFK'er......Dethe (Especially when he has the star)
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
See this informative thread -
Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder
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