When the cap level was increased from 14 to 16 in module 6, classes getting full BAB got an extra attack... that lowered DPS. That is, quite honestly, pretty frustrating and illogical. Getting an extra level in your class should not be a penalty. While I understand the point of having a flashy animation, it isn't practical and thus the current animation should be changed. It even lead to a situation where characters with 3/4 BAB were dealing more damage than some characters with full BAB. The cleric versus paladin is a good example of that. Monks are also a funny example of that, as Flurry of Blows ironically lowered your DPS instead of improving it.
However, this issue is going to get worse in module 9 if nothing is done about it.
First of all, there is a possibility of an additional swing at BAB 20 that Turbine has yet to confirm or deny. It is a problem because if there is such a thing, going pure on full BAB classes or splashing full BAB classes becomes a bad idea. It would also severely punish those who multiclassed two levels of a full BAB class and would have to sacrifice the access to the third tier of a PrE in order to avoid getting their DPS cut by another too long animation.
Secondly, there is the greater problem of 3/4 BAB characters. In the case of a rogue, warchanter or battle cleric, it will be a must to multiclass another non-full BAB class in order to avoid getting their DPS cut. That, in itself, is illogical and frustrating. In addition, if they already multiclassed two levels of a full BAB class, they would be cut from getting their third tier PrE because of it on top of the frustration of being forced to multiclass something you didn't really desired.
So, if anyone at Turbine is reading this, please avoid this from happening.
If you could just drop a line saying you will do something about it, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and hard work,