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  1. #1
    Community Member Eternity25's Avatar
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    Default I need help deciding how to build my barbarian

    As the title says, I'm looking to build a Barbarian. I am going drow for the extra rapier dmg and for the higher cha. I am looking to go high dmg, with the build I can get a 57 intimidate without recitation and bard songs, and an approximate 59 standing ac (uncanny dodge factored in) (68 ac with recitation, bard song, and full barkskin). In Vision of destruction I could be an intimitank (if I don't use rage). I would have a 505 hp unraged, so that should be enough hp to be an intimitank, factoring in my 68 ac. Both my tanks will use a +5 mithral heavy shield with +1 ac ritual on it when they are functioning as an intimitank. When not functioning as an intimitank in a raid, they will be either dual weilding or using a two-handed weapon (Great Axe). [The fighter I have currently doesn't use twf but is usually dual weilding alot. I am switching out for twf.]

    I could go Option 1
    Str 16
    Int 10
    Wis 8
    Cha 12

    for Two Weapon Fighting

    or Option 2

    Str 18
    Dex 10
    Con 14
    Int 10
    Wis 8
    Cha 12

    For more 2 more base str

    With Option 1 I would go

    lvl3-Two Weapon Fighting
    lvl6-Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    lvl9-Improved Crit Peircing
    lvl12-Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
    lvl15-Skill Focus: Intimidate

    With Option 2 I would go

    lvl3-Profiency: Khopesh
    lvl6-Power Attack
    lvl9-Improved Crit Slashing
    lvl12Improved Crit Peircing
    lvl15-Skill Focus: Intimidate

    Both builds seem fun for me to play but I am have a hard time deciding which one to choose from.

    Option1 would be real good with two weapon fighting, esp. with oversized twf, I could have a holy blast heavy pick in my main-hand and a stat dmger in my off-hand. Or I could dual weild stat dmgers.

    Option2 would be geared towards both heavy picks, rapiers, khopeshes, great axes, and basically all pericing and slashing weapons. Can crit more with great axes and scimitars than Option 1.

    or Option 3 for the basic two weapon fighting, and 1 less intimdate for a 56 (without recitation and bard songs).

    str 18
    dex 12 [Eventual +3 tome brings build to 15 dex]
    con 14
    int 10
    wis 8
    cha 10

    lvl3-Two Weapon Fighting
    lvl6-Power Attack
    lvl9-Improved Crit Slashing
    lvl12Improved Crit Peircing
    lvl15-Skill Focus: Intimidate

    or Option 4 exactly like Option3 except instead of power attack, I have oversized two weapon fighting.

    str 18
    dex 12 [Eventual +3 tome brings build to 15 dex]
    con 14
    int 10
    wis 8
    cha 10

    lvl3-Two Weapon Fighting
    lvl6-Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
    lvl9-Improved Crit Slashing
    lvl12Improved Crit Peircing
    lvl15-Skill Focus: Intimidate

    I have a hard time chosing between 1 3, or 4. Can someone give me advice on whether to choose build 1, 3, or 4? (I'm leaning more towards build option4. But Build 1 also looks fun).
    Last edited by Pheona777; 11-20-2008 at 01:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Turren's Avatar
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    One thing i noticed is no greater two weapon fighting. Might want to try and fit that in.

  3. #3
    Community Member Eternity25's Avatar
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    I could fit greater two weapon fighting easily into build option 1. I could drop skill focus: intimidate and get gtwf. A 54 should be fine [either a bard song alone would get me either 56-58 intimidate depending on the bard's level].

    Option 1's Feats

    lvl3-Two Weapon Fighting
    lvl6-Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    lvl9-Improved Crit Peircing
    lvl12-Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
    lvl15-Greater Two Weapon Fighting

  4. #4
    Community Member Eternity25's Avatar
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    I think I'll make a drow with the build option #3 (drop the skill focus: intim for oversized two weapon fighting) and a 32 pt Elf (non-drow) for a complete twf build.

  5. #5
    Hall of Famer
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    I'd like to know how you plan on hitting those Intim and AC Numbers....
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    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  6. #6
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Toughness on a Barb? What a laugh!

    Seriously. You won't need it. At all. Period.

    Since you're going Drow:

    1: TWF
    3: PA
    6: ITWF
    9: IC: Pierce
    12: GTWF
    15: SF: Intim

    Ta-da! Lots of damage, good crits, decent Intimidate. Just make sure to gobble a +1 Dex (or +2!) tome before L6 so you can pick up ITWF.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  7. #7
    Community Member Eternity25's Avatar
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    Here's how a barbarian can get at a 58 ac (67 with buffs)

    +10 Base
    +15 [+5 Mithral Fullplate]
    +3 Chattering Ring
    +5 Protection
    +7 [+5 Heavy Mithral Shield]
    +1 [+1 ac armor ritual]
    +1 [+1 ac shield ritual]
    +2 Natural Armor [Ring of Balance]
    +4 Insight
    48 Standing ac

    48 Standing
    +2 Defensive Fighting
    +8 Uncanny Dodge
    58 ac (with feats included)

    58 Including Feats
    +3 [three more natural armor from a full barkskin]
    +2 recitation
    +4 bard song

    67 ac when fully equipped and buffed (and not using any rage)

  8. #8
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    I'd say drop the oversized twf as you'lll hit most likely either way and take POwer Attack for more damage

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  9. #9
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    Make a ranger. Going for AC on a barb means that you aren't raging(which means you have less dps than a monk).

  10. #10
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    ostwf tends to be a waste of a feat you will hit fine without it. I dont like taking twf without itwf and gtwf personally but you wont have the dex for it. Toughness is a good thing on a barb it will allow you to get the extra 60 hp through enhancements. But my big concern is you are looking to make a barb into what they arnt. High ac intimi-tanks are a fighters game. I say go option 1 and drop ostwf for gtwf. And let us know how the build turns out.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  11. #11
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strykersz View Post
    Make a ranger. Going for AC on a barb means that you aren't raging(which means you have less dps than a monk).
    An exellent point. If you arnt raging you arnt killing or making use of crit rage1-2.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  12. #12
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    1. For the playstyle you want to archive Barbarian is the wrong class. If you dont rage you are basically a Fighter without Bonus Feats or good enhancements.

    2. Even decked in hard to get Raid Gear you only reach a standing AC of 50. perfectly Raid-buffed your group can get you up to 59.
    Both numbers are far from excellent AC terretory. They arent shabby and will show effect in lowering the amount of hits you take, but hey arent "good", the are only "functioning range".
    Uncanny Dodge short time boosts just dont cut it. The time you can keep them up is far too short to include them in your standart AC sum.

    3. If you want a good AC on your IntimiTank go "Fighter with Paladin splash" or "Ranger with Fighter splash".
    Take Combat Expertise for the times whenyou want to turtle, and the full TWF line for the times when DPS is the optimal choice.

    4. If you want your Barbarian be good as an Intimitank ditch AC, and focus on a good Blocking DR with the Shieldblock feasts. Splash 2 fighter levels to get those feats besides the obligatory TWF, ITWF, GTWF, IC, Power Attack.
    OTWF is also possible but not really needed, Thoughness can be takes, also you might be a bit short on action points to fuly embrace the line, and Stunning Blow is a great Feat on a Barbarian, especially if he focusses on CC.

    5. If you have PB 32 unlocked you can get the same style, but just with better atttribues (and no purple skin) if you go Elf. Like:
    Strength ..........16.............16
    Charisma............14 ............12
    right numbers are Drow, left numbers are PB32-Elf.

    On a personal note if going PB32-Elf i would make the decision to invest the last 6 BP not in CH, but in STR. The trade-off is "+6CHA" or "+2STR". higher CHA only gives +3 Intimidate, while +2 STR gives better to-hit, more damage and better tactics-DC. But it´s close, so basically up to personal flavor.
    Last edited by Noctus; 11-20-2008 at 08:45 AM.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Eternity25's Avatar
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    I never said I was never going to rage. Just not using rage when I'm in a Vision or Hound run and I'm the intimitank.

    For the 32 pt elf barbarian, I was going to distribute my base skillpoints the following way.

    18 str
    14 dex[+1 tome at start allows twf] [eventual +3 tome brings it to 17 for itwf/gtwf]
    14 con
    8 int
    8 wis
    10 cha

    If ac doesn't matter on a barbarian, then I would probably wear a dragontoughed outfit or leather armor with [+5 resistance, +6 con, (Levikk's Defender or Smite)] and only get my ac higher when being the back-up intimitank.

    I'd take your advice and go

    1: Toughness
    3: TWF
    6: ITWF
    9: IC: Pierce
    12: GTWF
    15: Power Attack

    However, if a barbarian has 58 intimidate buffed but ac lower than 40 (not using too many ac items and not heavily buffed or using feats), would that make them an undesirable as an intimitank because they would need more healing?

  14. #14
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    You're a Barbarian. You Rage.

    Or, to take a line from the CoV Brute forums:

    You SMASH! If you aren't Raging, you better be out of Rages.

    If you're not using your Rages, you might as well play a Fighter or Ranger.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  15. #15
    Community Member Silverjade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    You're a Barbarian. You Rage.

    Or, to take a line from the CoV Brute forums:

    You SMASH! If you aren't Raging, you better be out of Rages.

    If you're not using your Rages, you might as well play a Fighter or Ranger.
    Come on people ! he said he wasn't going to rage when being the INMTA TANK not i`m never going to rage at all.

    I like the looks of elf 1 good stats on it and
    1: Toughness
    3: TWF
    6: ITWF
    9: IC: Pierce
    12: GTWF
    15: Power Attack
    is a nice set up for what your doing.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverjade View Post
    Come on people ! he said he wasn't going to rage when being the INMTA TANK not i`m never going to rage at all.
    A Barbarian doesn't survive through AC. He survives through HP and DR (and a Cleric to keep him pumping).

    67 AC is a fun benchmark, but it's gonna be a while until he gets there. Plus, there are actual Intimitanks who hit 67 AC UNBUFFED. And some who hit higher than that (mainly Ranger/Monk builds).

    Barbarians are all about out-and-out killing.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  17. #17
    Community Member Silverjade's Avatar
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    Yes but he will still be able to do all that raw damage and whatnot but he can come in when needed for instance the tank dies he can take control while the tank gets resed.
    Or the party can't find a tank for it and can use him. Its a good idea and it can work.
    The Undying Court khyber server Liily16rng Starrina 16sor Black,blacker,blackest and cold beyond frozen things.Where is between when there is naught to life but fragile dragons' wings?
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  18. #18
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Note that you can consider +3 bark in standing AC (potions are easy to get), and improved uncanny dodge is +6 AC, not +8.
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