i have been expermenting with my monk mojo here is what seems to work for me.note i only use handwraps
1. dps tank total failure.
2. as a second stream tank with insane ac (i can buff to 82) i have found that 5% weighted work best in a fast moving group. if your in solo mode which the monk are super at then maldroit of bone breaking and a bursting handwraps work best the dex dam will bring them to crit with every hit use the backstad halfing dam with crit on a burst quick kills weighted works better in a group due to speed i find i can stun every flenser in the sub before a tank can vorpal him out of five i have found 4 stunned real sweet ratio. in raids like the hound i have found the monk super speed allows them to reach the center and draw aggro before the cleric get in then droping a solid fog keeps that aggro with the ac casting the solid fog is pretty easly dont forget to turn on c.e. after casting fog making the monk more valuable then a intem tank in the hound.dont forget the parry handwraps/finesse if u find them
weakness in my monk built is still red names this type of attack is great and the entire team really is happy to be smacking on a crit hit or stunned but when the red name comes the monk falls short even in ato attack using your finsihing moves you still fall way short greater bane help if you got them but my collection falls short.
what we need is lighting 2 /min 2 greensteel handwraps this will shore up are damage and put handwrap monks on equel footing with front of the line tanks.