I know it's D&D and so DDO would never move to a d40 system, but I think it would be quite good in my little imaginary world, and fix some stuff that pains me e.g.
'Rolling a 1' would be a lot less likely, thus making things like soloing a lot more fun - and make high saves valued more. Under a d40 system, Armor Class work again - it would extend the range of 'being hit every time' and 'never being hit except on a 40' to 38 AC points rather than just 18, e.g. it would make the AC range 30-70 valued rather than just 50-70. In a d40 world weapons could have more fine grained critical ranges - e.g. rapiers could be 35-40 and kukris could be 36-40 (example, I'm sure the numbers would have to be tweaked)
Of course in the d40 system we'd have to get double skill points, and all the DCs would have to be changed, along with all the armor bonuses, all the critical ranges, BAB, enhancement bonuses, in fact almost everything in the game would have to be reworked - it would be a huge amount of work, so it would never actually be done, but I think it would be quite cool.
Thoughts? how else would a d40 system change the game?