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  1. #1
    Community Member marcosoneghett's Avatar
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    Arrow Static and Named loot from early quests. Do we need a revision on the effects?


    We have lots of items from the early quests wich the effects aren't as effective, or are just worthless.

    The purpose of this thread is to discuss if we can regain the interest on farming these items, wich could make MORE quests interesting than they are for a Low and Mid Level Character.

    The big question is. Do we need to revise some named and static loot?

    To point out the direction let me show some examples:

    - Get Chamber of Raiyum (12) Quest:

    Vambraces of Inner Light - (Armor) +3 Full Plate, Charisma +3, Command (Treasure Room Chest)
    Adherent's Pendant - (Necklace) Superior Devotion IV, Wizardry II (Paladin Only, UMD:12) (Treasure Room Chest)


    Silken Mail - (Armor) +4 Chainmail, Move Silently +10, Axeblock, Mithral (Treasure Room Chest)
    Bejeweled Letter Opener - (Weapon) +3 Dagger, Keen, Improved Devotion IV, Improved Resonance IV (Treasure Room Chest)

    Why not revise this and give and Special Bonus when the Player equips BOTH items?

    Also get items like this one from Chains of Flames (12) Quest:

    Unkor's Cleaver - (Weapon) +4 Battle Axe, Keen (Locked Room Chest)

    I mean, who would use at level 12 a Keen Battle Axe? Don't we need an Elemental Burst or Transmuting Effect here to make it more interesting to some builds?
    Last edited by marcosoneghett; 11-18-2008 at 05:07 PM.
    Gallandha Main:Selano; Alts: Phaenre; Bonno; Khazad; Montolio * Thelanis Main: Syrrion; Alts: Kaled; Aylon * Khyber Main: Toylan; * Argonessen Main: Steelcaster; Alt: Syrrion * Sarlona Main: Bonno. and many others on all these servers.

  2. #2
    Community Member marcosoneghett's Avatar
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    Also consider this:

    Why not consider the prestige classes that are already in the game and make some items farmable that would be interesting to some builds?

    Let me show an example:

    Let's check Irestone Inlet (4) Quest:

    Dink's Leather Wraps - (Armor) +1 Studded Leather Armor (Dink's Chest) - Why not change the armor bonus to +3 or +4 and give a Higher Dex Bonus to the armor?

    or pair it with Yaaryar's Magnificent Bane - (Ring) Resistance +1 (Yaaryar's Chest) and Scurvy's Cloak - (Cloak) Lesser Fire Resistance (Scurvy's Chest) for an even greater bonus?
    Last edited by marcosoneghett; 11-18-2008 at 05:08 PM.
    Gallandha Main:Selano; Alts: Phaenre; Bonno; Khazad; Montolio * Thelanis Main: Syrrion; Alts: Kaled; Aylon * Khyber Main: Toylan; * Argonessen Main: Steelcaster; Alt: Syrrion * Sarlona Main: Bonno. and many others on all these servers.

  3. #3
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Ummm, some of these quests were added a loooooooong time ago when a plain +5 full plate armour was still a bit rare. And for the record, Silken Mail is still a nice set of armour and even worn by some at the current "end game". There is better stuff out there as far as some named loots can be concerned, but most still have their place in the current game. They just might not have any value to you.

    I will admit that there is a sizable amount of "named loots" at every level that seem to be worthless to any build. Hopefully there will be a class or race added that will improve these items usefulness. that or atleast they will be used in crafting at some point to make a new item. I hate having to sell named stuff. Especially bound ones.
    Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk

  4. #4
    Community Member marcosoneghett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DasLurch View Post
    Ummm, some of these quests were added a loooooooong time ago when a plain +5 full plate armour was still a bit rare. And for the record, Silken Mail is still a nice set of armour and even worn by some at the current "end game". There is better stuff out there as far as some named loots can be concerned, but most still have their place in the current game. They just might not have any value to you.

    I will admit that there is a sizable amount of "named loots" at every level that seem to be worthless to any build. Hopefully there will be a class or race added that will improve these items usefulness. that or atleast they will be used in crafting at some point to make a new item. I hate having to sell named stuff. Especially bound ones.

    Yeah that's the point. Don't we need a revision on these items? What's the point of FLAVOR items, BOUND ones that are worthless NAMED items that are vendor junk?

    Why not make them INTERESTING? I propose to bump up the bonuses of these items to 1 or 2 levels HIGHER so they're interesting. An example: and INTIMIDATE 9 item level 5. Won't that be interesting for a mid level? Will it BREAK the game?

    Also, why not give special special bonuses to 2 or 3 named items?

    That will generate more interesting on farming some quests for mid and lower levels. Will also add FLAVOR to the game.
    Gallandha Main:Selano; Alts: Phaenre; Bonno; Khazad; Montolio * Thelanis Main: Syrrion; Alts: Kaled; Aylon * Khyber Main: Toylan; * Argonessen Main: Steelcaster; Alt: Syrrion * Sarlona Main: Bonno. and many others on all these servers.

  5. #5
    Community Member Vua's Avatar
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    Personally I think they've spent enough time revamping old content already. I'd prefer they just move on at this point.

  6. #6
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vua View Post
    Personally I think they've spent enough time revamping old content already. I'd prefer they just move on at this point.
    I would assume that these changes (excluding the set stuff) would be easy changes. The biggest chunk of time would be deciding the changes, doing them should be pretty painless.

    Between the end game loot (green steel, Dt/rainments) and the new korthos loot, the rest of the game has gotten pretty squeezed out on useful loot and it needs some work.

  7. #7
    Community Member Jefro's Avatar
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    Is Graal still in charge with the development of items? I think he could save us old players as well as new players in this time of crisis!

    New players and their Gear

    For a new player there is tons of content to do but alot of the items are very subpar to what falls naturally now in loot tables and a new player is very under equipped to those familiar with the game. The set bonuses and items given in khoros helped them alot, but now 4 - 11 range needs to be looked into more, since that content is overly old.

    Now us older players, which eat through mod 8 in these last few weeks now have nothing to do. We raided alot between mod 6 to mod 8, so those raids carry less interest and now they were made more difficult so people feel less up to leading a pug party through those raids cept for shroud which was not hit as much as the others.
    So we older players are likely rolling a new character to try new content and eventually fall into that mid level range where new players cannot keep up are penalized by their own gear.

    For example, older players are likely to send the gear to our other characters, but then expect the new player to play at your level, while they are still swinging a +1 weapon and wearing +2 scale armor and no fort item. We get angry that they cannot compete to your skill, you either zerg yourself through the quest leaving them behind or just not play with them which then hurts the player base. Plus developers have improved spells and abilities of overall monsters, but do not improve the gear the player have to use to stay balanced unless older player is guiding them or gear given by older player.

    I think items do need to be looked at and revamped some, more static end rewards that make new players have a easier time in the mid range.

    Mod 8 Syndrome

    Now on the discussion of named items, I think they should add some new named items in our raids or useful mid level ones we can use still in end game will give us something to grind, since we already grinded everything while waiting for mod 8. We finished the high end content they added and there is nothing for us to do besides a new character while we wait till February for mod 9.
    Throwing useful bonuses, like new sets or giving an ability to an item that would not normally carry such abilities. They could have done more with collectibles, let us add elemental guards to items using our collectibles or even skill bonuses would give us something to tweak while we wait.
    They need to add more monk specific named items overall and more warforged named items in raids, to those who cannot wear the new raid armors from mod 7. They should also give some interesting named items for those with two classes or prestige enhancements.
    Mod 8 quests need some interesting named loot, mostly for those not interested in the dragontouch armor. Or go the extra distance by doing the dragon fight or solve puzzles in monastery.

    Events and their Items

    First thing first, stop binding new event items, it difficult enough to even participate in the event is even more sad that you cannot give another character the item.

    Hold more events but try not relying so much to needing a GM to ask the trivia questions or spawn the monsters. The worse event was this years festival of oddalla, where only 4 people recieved festival mask and only 20 partipated in the event itself on my server!

    The devil assault was great but items were those who can backspace quick enough and the event created lag in a area where some players were just trying to get to their quest. The live theater accessed by dimension door was good, but too limited. Only one instance, and even if attending only select few got to participate. Perhaps more instances and using a NPC to ask the questions and give rewards or drop item like collectible treasure bag that everyone can get off one click.
    Last edited by Jefro; 11-18-2008 at 07:11 PM.
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  8. #8
    Community Member marcosoneghett's Avatar
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    Also consider The Tear of Dhakaan (7) Quest:

    Take a look at the Dueling Schlager - (Weapon) +2 Rapier (Base dmg: 1d8) (Champion Arkar's Chest); Who would equip this item? Don't it need a change?

    The Yogg-Ratha Plate - (Armor) +1 Fullplate, Acid Resistance, Protection from Evil (3/rest) (Champion Krazna's Chest). Don't it need a greater bonus or be turned to Adamantine or both?

    Why not pair the Grievous Blade - (Weapon) +2 Dagger, Puncturing (Unknown) and the Face of the Demon - (Helmet) Fortitude Save +2, Intimidate +5, Spot -5, Listen -5 (Champion Nartar's Chest). Why not pair both for a special bonus?
    Last edited by marcosoneghett; 11-18-2008 at 05:19 PM.
    Gallandha Main:Selano; Alts: Phaenre; Bonno; Khazad; Montolio * Thelanis Main: Syrrion; Alts: Kaled; Aylon * Khyber Main: Toylan; * Argonessen Main: Steelcaster; Alt: Syrrion * Sarlona Main: Bonno. and many others on all these servers.

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