Originally Posted by
I was out of the game for about 9 months from Jan to Sept of this year, so I missed a long peroid of time where all of you were running the Shroud, so I'm just not as well equipped as I need to be to run the new content and pulling Large Devil Scales has been a challenge for me. So I'd like to buy up to 8 large devil scales, does not have to be from the same person, at 200K plat each total of $1.6 million plat for the 8 large devil scales.
If you can help me out I'm usually on at night on one of the following toons which are in Lost Legions or The Guild of the Black Dragon, I always try to be a team player and perhaps you have grouped with me in the past. Look for:
Diabolism - 16 Sorc
Marvel - 16 Wiz
Wizthief - 14 Wiz/2 Rogue
Crown-Sarlona - 11 Ranger/1 Rogue/4 Fighter
Magesty - 13 Fighter/2 Rogue/1 Barbarian
Scaredycat - 16 Ranger
Cyclone - 14 Monk/2 Fighter (new toon)
Thanks for considering this request. You can reply here or send me a PM here or a message in the game.
Everyone Drink!