Trading +3 vorp rr halfling umd 22 Kukri 4 one of same non rr or rr elf or human
Trading same vorp kurki for two lesser finesse vorps +1 usable by elf or human (they can be sickle handaxe or kukri) and giving the +3 vorp and one vorp or item from the following list
1. Vorp Bastard sword
2. Vorp kama
3. Vorp Dwarven axe
4. Vorp Battle axe
5. Vorp bastard sword lvl 8 to use wf
6. disrupt dagger wf only lvl 8 to use
7. Vorp Khopesh rr halfling
8. para returning dart of power I lvl 12 to use
Send me Private message and I will check messages most nights by 9pm cst and log in shortly after that to respond and look u up for trade.