Anything below that you are interested in please send tell or mail in game. If price does not look good please include the price that you think is reasonable in tell or mail.
+1 holy burst scimitar of pure good -- 40,000
+5 acid kama of enfeebling -- 80,000
+1 axiomatic burst rapier of puncturing -- 80,000
+1 shock longbow of greater dragon bane -- 50,000
+2 true law longbow of greater evil outsider bane -- 80,000
+5 axiomatic heavy pick of pure good -- 60,000
+4 holy heavy pick of pure good -- 60,000 ( 100,000 if purchase this pair of picks )
+4 crippling scimitar of smiting (ml16 rr elf/drow) -- 100,000 ( SOLD )
+3 transmuting battleaxe of greater dwarf bane -- 60,000
+2 ghost touch battleaxe of greater dwarf bane -- 40,000 ( 80,000 if purchase this pair of battleaxes )
+5 transmuting great sword -- 80,000
+5 blueshine mithral full plate of wizardry I -- 150,000