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  1. #1
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Default Harbor quest revisions?

    So I've just now gotten to the point of fully exploring the new harbour area on a NPE character, and I must say I'm a bit disappointed with some of the changes to the old quests.

    Several have been increased in level, which is fair enough as most characters exiting Korthos Island will be level 2, if not very close to 3 (if they milked Korthos dry). However, the xp on the revised quests doesn't seem to be accurate compared to the level.

    I had experienced this on Korthos, and put in my arguments for xp increases back when it was still on Risia (to no avail), but have just now discovered the xp on the mainland is even worse.

    One quest, I believe it was Arachnophobia (the one where you have the sarcophagi that you can't break), is now level 3 - and awarded me approximately 300 xp. Total. *With* the +25% conquest bonus.
    I was earning more xp than that on level 1 quests...

    Another problem I noticed was that all of these previous level 1 solo-only quests are still solo only.
    Why not open them up to the other difficulty levels?
    If they're solo-only, and only worth a pittance of xp, with quest rewards that award you 20gp only, where's the incentive (aside from favour) to ever do these?!?

    Finally, I wanted to point out that by increasing the level of these quests, the entire concept of some of these quests have been lost.
    Arachnophobia was about getting swarmed by a half-dozen spiders at once, and giving the new player an "ACK!" moment. But when those are now level 3, with 15-20hps each, that makes a caster's life rather problematic and becomes more frustrating, than fun.

    Another example of this is the mission with the exploding barrels and the thieves (I forget the name of the quest). As a level 1 mission, you could learn about breakables and explosives, and effectively "kill" all of the thieves by shooting the barrels. It was a great mission for learning about what you can/can't do in missions, and that you can employ some rather interesting tactics.
    Now, using that strategy will only take out perhaps 10% of the thief's life, if you're lucky. The entire quest has lost it's meaning, and there's no reason to even care about the barrels any more as you're just going to end up having to deal with the thieves directly anyways.

    These quests need reworking, devs.

  2. #2
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Agred. I was going to post something similar. The best idea I think is to take the quests back down to level 1 and find someplace on Korthos for them. That puts them back in the starter area where people will be soloing more and allows new players to learn some of the lessons before getting to Stormreach. Then all we would need is a slime quest for Korthos.

    Right now it seems like they just used the old elite settings, but didn't change the XP. They are kind of a drag now.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I, too, was going to post about this today.

    After taking on crowds on Korthos with little difficulty, my level 2 sorc got mauled by 3 spiders in Arachnophobia, and was out of spell points before she had cleared 15 of 'em. They have more than 20 HP each because her shocking grasp was regularly doing 10+ per hit and they would often survive the 2nd hit. I'm guessing 25 or slightly more HP per bug.

    For a level 2. Solo. For pitiful XP and no loot. WHY?!?!?!

    Haven't tried the explosives one yet, and after reading this thread I'm glad.

    Moral of the story, devs, is that when you change something you have to test it with appropriate level (and appropriate gear) characters to see if it got broken...
    Suggestion to Turbine: Have new character slots open up automatically based on months since account start date.
    Update: EU+Store = close enough. Thank you.

  4. #4
    Community Member IgorUnchained's Avatar
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    I agree. Those were supposed to be starter quests to get you introduced to the concept of favor (for all of the different favor givers) and for some base level tactics.
    It is absurd to move the "Goodblades" quests to Korthos (where people have stopped doing them if they are off of the island, because of the difficulty of questing between the harbor and the island) and keep the "beginner" quests in the harbor. As the OP said, you still cant do them on anything but solo.

    Sure seems like it would have made more sense to put those quests on Korthos and to keep quests like Goodblades and Low Road in the harbor.
    Play True Neutral - Live Chaotic Good

  5. #5
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Nov 2007


    ^^ That would probably be ideal, I think.

    It's just a bit of a let down right now, after completing Korthos, which is a problem with re-doing some content and not others.

    Turbine will re-interest new, or even returning, players with the Korthos experience; they'll get to the mainland; and probably cancel their account before hitting level 4.

    It's just a total let-down after Misery's Peak, with **** xp and loot, and with half of the quests we can obtain now solo-only.

    Your vet is going to skip right past them and just do Durk's / Butcher's a couple of times, and some others (such as Information is Key) until they hit level 3; then farm Waterworks a few times, and then move on to Catacombs and STK series, and never look back.

    A shame, really :/
    Half of the harbour revamped, and nobody will be using it because the quests are rubbish.

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