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  1. #1
    Community Member Ericnox's Avatar
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    Default I know I'm shooting myself...

    Right in the freaking foot... But I have to know. Seeing as Green Steel weapons are you want to use in the HIGH end raids, I decided to do some digging on what I want to make and how to make it 'uber' in MY EYES.

    Now, for the fun part. *sighs softly and takes a deep breath*

    I am aiming to make a +5 green steel maul (yes I know I can do more DPS with an axe or sword), +6 str (neg), Good burst (pos), +2 cha (pos). And that gives the bonus effects to existenial stalemate 1 and 2.

    Now. I have a nagging feeling in the back of my head that I am going to be farming for a very... Very long time for all the mats to make this (mats will be below. Prepare for a wall of text) but I have some time before I am high enough level to even start gathering them.

    Now, knowing almost nothing up of the high up raids, how does this weapon rate? I personally like it, but then again, this is a newbe talking really.

    From the Vale Explorer Area and Vale Quests Collect
    1 Bitterscrub Fungus
    3 Chipmunk Funk
    4 Energy Orb
    3 Glistening Pebbles
    2 Green Brier Twig
    1 Lammanian Lily Petals
    2 Locust Husk
    1 Shavarath Stone of Battle
    1 Shavarath Stone of Foresight
    1 Shavarath Stone of Might
    1 Shavarath Stone of Strategy
    1 Shavarath Stone of Victory
    From Phase 1 of the Shroud Collect
    2 Small Glowing Arrowhead
    2 Small Devil Scales
    3 Small Sulfurous Stone
    1 Shard of Power
    2 Small Length of Infernal Chain
    3 Small Twisted Shrapnel
    5 Shavarath Low Energy Cell
    From Phase 2 and 3 of the Shroud Collect
    1 Medium Length of Infernal Chain
    2 Medium Twisted Shrapnel
    3 Medium Devil Scales
    2 Medium Gnawed Bone
    2 Medium Sulfurous Stone
    5 Shavarath Medium Energy Cell
    1 Shard of Great Power
    2 Medium Glowing Arrowhead
    From Phase 4 and 5 of the Shroud Collect
    1 Large Gnawed Bone
    6 Large Sulfurous Stone
    5 Large Devil Scales
    2 Shard of Supreme Power
    4 Large Glowing Arrowhead
    5 Large Length of Infernal Chain
    3 Large Twisted Shrapnel
    10 Shavarath High Energy Cell
    Ericnox Shattersoul - Paladin 18/Fighter 2 TR'd! Currently a 14 Fighter! "May the Host have Mercy... Cuz I won't..."

  2. #2
    Hall of Famer
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    What kind of character are you putting this weapon on? I cant think of a build that would significantly benefit from this weapon in any way shape or form.

    Maybe a WF Battle Sorc with a Splash of Paly for Saves?

    There are Lots of ways to get +6 STR. I think any Stat bumps on Greensteel should be resevered for stats that arent critical to what your charater does. If he melees, there are going to be times when this maul wont be used.. SO your gonna have to get your +6s from somewhere else anyway....

    Exostential Stalemate is bad. The proc is rare and the gain is minimal for the investment.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  3. #3
    Community Member Ericnox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    What kind of character are you putting this weapon on? I cant think of a build that would significantly benefit from this weapon in any way shape or form.

    Maybe a WF Battle Sorc with a Splash of Paly for Saves?
    Strangely a pure pally built for DPS. I have it somewhat worked out in my head an all.

    There are Lots of ways to get +6 STR. I think any Stat bumps on Greensteel should be resevered for stats that arent critical to what your charater does. If he melees, there are going to be times when this maul wont be used.. SO your gonna have to get your +6s from somewhere else anyway....

    Exostential Stalemate is bad. The proc is rare and the gain is minimal for the investment.
    So +6 stats are easy to get a hold huh? *nods* Alright. I will have to play around with it then. Thank you for the input.
    Ericnox Shattersoul - Paladin 18/Fighter 2 TR'd! Currently a 14 Fighter! "May the Host have Mercy... Cuz I won't..."

  4. #4
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Honestly I'd make a Mineral II as a staple Weapon... maybe its just me but having the Transmuting on there is just a nice little extra that trumps most others.

    at least for the first one... after that make something to make you happy

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  5. #5
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ericnox View Post
    So +6 stats are easy to get a hold huh? *nods* Alright. I will have to play around with it then. Thank you for the input.
    The first time you do the Shroud sell the large ingrediant... most of them go for about a 1 million gold... the large scales go for 4-5 million gold...

    Then use that money on the Auction House to buy a +6 STR bracer or ring or belt or gloves for probably about 500k gold.

    My first 5-6 runs of the Shroud, I just sold the ingrediants to make money... and bought a bunch of good stuff off the AH...

    As a paladin, you don't really need a good Shroud weapon that much... That Holy Weapon spell of yours is pretty good I think...

  6. #6
    Community Member Ericnox's Avatar
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    So upon learning all this. I have revamped it a bit.

    Still a maul (because a hammer fits well with a pally)

    Holy, acid burst, acid blast, aspect of mineral 1 and 2 (granting me stone skin 3/day and Transmuting, Keen/Impact, Slicing (+1d4 Damage vs. Targets that can bleed), Mineral (+8 Hardness, +80 Durability) ))

    That looks a bit nicer to me personally. And as for spells like holy weapon, unless I manage to pump up my WIS up 14 I doubt I will get any. He started with a 10 base, seeing as I only have 28 point builds
    Ericnox Shattersoul - Paladin 18/Fighter 2 TR'd! Currently a 14 Fighter! "May the Host have Mercy... Cuz I won't..."

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Ericnox View Post
    So upon learning all this. I have revamped it a bit.

    Still a maul (because a hammer fits well with a pally)

    Holy, acid burst, acid blast, aspect of mineral 1 and 2 (granting me stone skin 3/day and Transmuting, Keen/Impact, Slicing (+1d4 Damage vs. Targets that can bleed), Mineral (+8 Hardness, +80 Durability) ))

    That looks a bit nicer to me personally. And as for spells like holy weapon, unless I manage to pump up my WIS up 14 I doubt I will get any. He started with a 10 base, seeing as I only have 28 point builds
    Well, the good news is you have now landed on the optimal DPS weapon in the game (well, not on a Maul necessarily, but this was a crafting question).

    The bad have to do a double shard so it will take twice as long to build one, and in the end you'll have the same weapon as everyone else running around (again, not as a maul though).

    As long as being unique isn't a priority and you are patient enough to collect for it, you just can't go wrong here.

    Of course building a wisdom based Sorc would be unique, but not very effective, so unique can be overrated!
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  8. #8
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ericnox View Post
    So upon learning all this. I have revamped it a bit.

    Still a maul (because a hammer fits well with a pally)

    Holy, acid burst, acid blast, aspect of mineral 1 and 2 (granting me stone skin 3/day and Transmuting, Keen/Impact, Slicing (+1d4 Damage vs. Targets that can bleed), Mineral (+8 Hardness, +80 Durability) ))

    That looks a bit nicer to me personally. And as for spells like holy weapon, unless I manage to pump up my WIS up 14 I doubt I will get any. He started with a 10 base, seeing as I only have 28 point builds
    Just so ya know Wisdom items will allow you to cast spells just fine

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  9. #9
    Community Member Ericnox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    Just so ya know Wisdom items will allow you to cast spells just fine

    Seriously? That is awesome! I should equip that +1 wis item then huh?
    Ericnox Shattersoul - Paladin 18/Fighter 2 TR'd! Currently a 14 Fighter! "May the Host have Mercy... Cuz I won't..."

  10. #10
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ericnox View Post
    Seriously? That is awesome! I should equip that +1 wis item then huh?
    Yeah I have to on one of my Characters too...

    At least until i get my +2 Wisdom tome

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  11. #11
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    Good advice above. If you send Dacta an ingame mail (or a Tell if you see me online) with your name/lvl and kinda what you are after for stat items, I can see what I can dig up. I'd also answer any questions you have (if I can) and you won't have to worry about embarassing yourself with any possible 'stupid' questions to someone that is uber-leet.

    Take care!
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

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  12. #12
    Community Member Kaldaka's Avatar
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    I find +6 str gloves, belts and bracers (ML 15 with +3 lord-knows-what on them) in the vendor at least once a week ... just scan over the ML 15 ones to see what the STR stat on them is, you can get them at almost cost ... depending on your haggle that is.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Ericnox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ringos View Post
    Good advice above. If you send Dacta an ingame mail (or a Tell if you see me online) with your name/lvl and kinda what you are after for stat items, I can see what I can dig up. I'd also answer any questions you have (if I can) and you won't have to worry about embarassing yourself with any possible 'stupid' questions to someone that is uber-leet.

    Take care!
    Thanks Ringo. And as for embarassing myself for asking stupid question, meh. I used to be a hardcore raider in WoW. I know that game well. But this is a different animal all together. So yeah, everything I know is null and everything I wish to learn is high on my list.

    "In understanding that I know nothing, I can walk the path of true knowledge." - I really can't remember his name :P
    Ericnox Shattersoul - Paladin 18/Fighter 2 TR'd! Currently a 14 Fighter! "May the Host have Mercy... Cuz I won't..."

  14. #14
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ericnox View Post
    Thanks Ringo. And as for embarassing myself for asking stupid question, meh. I used to be a hardcore raider in WoW. I know that game well. But this is a different animal all together. So yeah, everything I know is null and everything I wish to learn is high on my list.

    "In understanding that I know nothing, I can walk the path of true knowledge." - I really can't remember his name :P
    "I'm an OK player, and sometimes I can remember some stuff." -Ringos

    "The path I walk is frought with danger...but only because I went the wrong way. Maybe I should run." -Ringos
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

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  15. #15
    Community Member Ericnox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ringos View Post
    "I'm an OK player, and sometimes I can remember some stuff." -Ringos

    "The path I walk is frought with danger...but only because I went the wrong way. Maybe I should run." -Ringos
    "Usually, when life is kicking me while I am down... I roll so it has to make an extra effort to hit me." - Ericnox
    Ericnox Shattersoul - Paladin 18/Fighter 2 TR'd! Currently a 14 Fighter! "May the Host have Mercy... Cuz I won't..."

  16. #16
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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  17. #17
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    "I can't hear you Mem, I have a banana in my ear." -Ringos
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

    "You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver

  18. #18
    Community Member Tresha_D'Artet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thrudh View Post
    the First Time You Do The Shroud Sell The Large Ingrediant... Most Of Them Go For About A 1 Million Gold... The Large Scales Go For 4-5 Million Gold...

    Then Use That Money On The Auction House To Buy A +6 Str Bracer Or Ring Or Belt Or Gloves For Probably About 500k Gold.

  19. #19
    Stormreach Advisor

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    If it can help, here is what you have in mind.

    I would personally suggest a holy / good burst combo instead. On tier 3 you can choose between good blast (slightly better DPS), +2 Cha, or +2 Wis (the latter prevents you from getting the disruption effect though).
    The main advantage of that one is that it requires only 12 large ingredients instead of 24. Also, It is useful at tier 2 against more enemies than the mineral version. Last, the true rez clicky is a must have

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Ericnox View Post
    Strangely a pure pally built for DPS. I have it somewhat worked out in my head an all.

    So +6 stats are easy to get a hold huh? *nods* Alright. I will have to play around with it then. Thank you for the input.
    He's right, many of the high level quests they drop regularly.
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