I played around with the hirelings last night and today (Contract was still in my inventory this morning and it still worked, go figure). Hirelings are not very good at independent thought. They don’t problem solve. They walk slower than a 1st level dwarven cleric in platemail. They can’t cross water. Ladders and cliffs stop them cold. They don’t use all the really cool spells an actual player uses. The clerics don’t heal very well on the active setting. They engage in melee, drink a potion and right before they are killed possibly cast a heal spell. They play like my seven year old son, without a plan and with no thought of self preservation. My overall opinion of the hirelings is that they are absolutely awesome, the coolest update since the first level cap increase.
My arcane caster just got a 16th level Warforged Barbarian pet for the low cost of 37,000 Gp. I will never memorize a summoning spell again. Kern-Killer of All doesn’t have spell duration (An hour, or once in a quest, until you leave.). He attacks on my command. I can heal him. I can buff him. I can raise him from the dead. I can leave him in standby mode anywhere I want and once I need him, one click and he is by my side. He can spring the trap. He can draw aggro and then train mobs into a kill zone. I don’t have to pay to repair him. He doesn’t run his mouth over voice chat. He doesn’t care if you go afk and most importantly, he doesn’t cost any spell points. In retrospect, maybe I will memorize a summoning spell, every boy needs a dog and maybe Kern would like a Hell Hound or a Bezikira. Either way we can name him Ole’Heller.