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Thread: Hirelings!

  1. #1
    Community Member Altarboy's Avatar
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    Default Hirelings!

    we tried out the hirelings last night....
    they were hysterical!

    3 of us grabbed our lowbies and went out into the gianthold.
    I don't even remember what quest it was but, it started off ok...
    we were a bard, monk, ranger and we hired a sorc, a cleric and a tank..
    Let's start with the tank...we set up outside a door...buffed the door
    BAM the tank goes flyin in like his a$$ is on fire..
    and then it really was...
    but thats not the point
    the point was he just ran in and got agro from everything in there
    my hired "battle cleric" decided that that looked like fun so...boom off he goes..
    the sorc on the other hand actually seemed to know what he was doing and firewalled the pile...the tank dies while I'm wand whipping the guildies...
    but we win...
    so I order the cleric to rez the tank...
    he complains a little and gives me so smart ass comment like..."as you wish" or something like that...the sorc chuggs a couple of mana pots and off we go again
    repeat like 3 or 4 more times...
    the whole time I'm thinking to myself..
    I hired a cleric so I can do all the healing?
    So we get to some trap and the cleric kills himself in it...
    He then promptly drops group!
    In the middle of the quest!!!
    We were howling!!
    Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout
    “Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams

  2. #2


    give us the names so we dun hire them by mistake?!?!
    If you want to know why...

  3. #3
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Ha ha! They are fun, aint they? I enjoyed myself with a cleric hireling in the desert for awhile. My quick bloodstone run turned into a hour nightmare of begging the npc to stop fighting everything within a mile distance.
    Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.

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  4. #4
    Community Member Altarboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quanefel View Post
    Ha ha! They are fun, aint they? I enjoyed myself with a cleric hireling in the desert for awhile. My quick bloodstone run turned into a hour nightmare of begging the npc to stop fighting everything within a mile distance.
    Oooohhhh thats another thing...
    they are friggin agro magnets!...
    in the explorer areas they pull the map right to ya...
    if you happen to be a sorc or wizzy and have firewall awesome!...
    if your on a gimpy bard...not so much
    Last edited by Altarboy; 11-14-2008 at 09:29 AM.
    Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout
    “Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams

  5. #5
    Community Member DME543's Avatar
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    Default Hirelings.....

    They are about as usefull as Coyle! LOL
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    Doken - Human Evasion Paladin 11P/2R/3F

  6. #6
    Community Member Astria's Avatar
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    Default mana battery

    The only use I could find for hirelings is to park the hireling clerics somewhere in the instance, and only call them when I needed DVs....the rest seemed to enjoy dying...though I do like how willing they are to use their resources...they must be making quite a bit of plat with the ease at which they chug mana pots.

  7. #7
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Default Meh.

    I got four volunteers to run the Tor for Scales, yesterday, and rather than continue to wait for more people, someone suggested we take two Hireling Clerics. It was a good idea, so I went to Meridia to hire one of my own. I got into the instance with mine, and when I tried to spawn Isador, I received a notice that I couldn't because another player already had, so the warforged Sorcerer offered to get one, then was hit by Vendor's Fascinate and insisted on bringing a Warforged Barbarian, instead. We got to the Blue Dragon, but Isador doesn't have Mass Heals and with only one npc Cleric able only to cast individual Heals, we wiped.

    A Barbarian is a poor substitute for a Cleric, is the lesson I learned.
    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu

  8. #8
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    I had a fighter hireling use a heal kit on my rogue, and succeed! I also used him to drop initimidates so my rogue was almost always sneak-attacking.

    I think that hirelings can be very useful, you just have to use them right.

    I know I was really enjoying the level 16 sorc. If nothing else, it was just freakin fantastic to have 1:30 of haste at my beck and call (and heck, being able to haste remote party members is pretty cool too). In general, I ran around and gathered things up, then had my hireling drop a disco ball and wall of fire, then kept agro off of him (althogh he did pretty good about keeping his health up).

    I am pleasantly surprised by hirelings. They were useful, fun, and hilarious

  9. #9
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    If you ever try any low level hirelings, check out Frenzy, level 3 WF barb. It's fun to watch him run all over the dungeon smashing every crate & barrel

  10. #10
    Community Member Grimgore's Avatar
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    I watched my wife have so much fun with them last night. She bought the tank and took him into the desert. She cast Shadow walk on herslef and allowed him to roam freely attacking anything and everything in sight and just died laughing as they bashed the living sh*t out of the little guy.

  11. #11
    Community Member Altarboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    If you ever try any low level hirelings, check out Frenzy, level 3 WF barb. It's fun to watch him run all over the dungeon smashing every crate & barrel
    I gotta try that...the guys we had wouldn't even look at the crates
    Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout
    “Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Altarboy View Post
    I gotta try that...the guys we had wouldn't even look at the crates
    Yeah, I couldn't even tell them to smash a crate (I tried). Would be pretty nice to have a little hireling to run around and take care of that **** for you

  13. #13
    Community Member Dymond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astria View Post
    The only use I could find for hirelings is to park the hireling clerics somewhere in the instance, and only call them when I needed DVs....the rest seemed to enjoy dying...though I do like how willing they are to use their resources...they must be making quite a bit of plat with the ease at which they chug mana pots.
    Thats exactly how I decided to use mine.. As a moveable shrine. I ran with a level 6 cleric (Adan?) last night doing Clearing the Air. Tried him just out of the box and I don't think Agro magnet is the right word, this guy seemed to **** off every monster in the dungeon! He was not long for this world thats for sure! So the next time I put him in stand ground and passive.. I go out ahead clear the area.. come back and have him heal me and then I had him follow me to a safe spot and repeated the process. It worked out pretty well, he took some damage sometimes when I didn't quite kill everyone because whatever cologne he was wearing seemed to attract troglodytes I never even saw.
    Sarlona: Dymondd Sar Tennith: lvl 15 Human Paladin/Fighter - Rusty Pick Guild
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dymond View Post
    Thats exactly how I decided to use mine.. As a moveable shrine. I ran with a level 6 cleric (Adan?) last night doing Clearing the Air. Tried him just out of the box and I don't think Agro magnet is the right word, this guy seemed to **** off every monster in the dungeon! He was not long for this world thats for sure! So the next time I put him in stand ground and passive.. I go out ahead clear the area.. come back and have him heal me and then I had him follow me to a safe spot and repeated the process. It worked out pretty well, he took some damage sometimes when I didn't quite kill everyone because whatever cologne he was wearing seemed to attract troglodytes I never even saw.
    I had good success with this, combined with the use of terrain (cliffs, jumps, ladders, water) to make it hard for him to get to me.

    That way, when I was done clearing, my hireling would teleport directly to me to provide me with fresh haste

  15. #15
    Community Member Forceonature's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quanefel View Post
    Ha ha! They are fun, aint they? I enjoyed myself with a cleric hireling in the desert for awhile. My quick bloodstone run turned into a hour nightmare of begging the npc to stop fighting everything within a mile distance.
    At least yours took the initiative! The level 10 WF Fighter I hired (Anvil) was pretty timid. I had to wait for him to catch up, then tell him what to attack. There were a few times I had mobs targeted, clicked his attack button, and he would just stand there like "I didn't sign up to fight that guy." Maybe I just got the one conscientious objector in the group.

  16. #16
    Community Member Altarboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forceonature View Post
    At least yours took the initiative! The level 10 WF Fighter I hired (Anvil) was pretty timid. I had to wait for him to catch up, then tell him what to attack. There were a few times I had mobs targeted, clicked his attack button, and he would just stand there like "I didn't sign up to fight that guy." Maybe I just got the one conscientious objector in the group.
    hehe Get Castle...he's like a psycho
    Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout
    “Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams

  17. #17
    Community Member Tap4black's Avatar
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    With all he plat they are spending to keep the hirelings stocked with mana pots, you would think they could outfit them with a FF item. It was hilarious to see their life total drop by 1/2 or more when looting the vale and making the jump down to the Bats.

    I equate my experience with hirelings last night to asking a new player what plat farmer he just bought his account from...........
    I've met and chatted with both Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax.
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    Jaxx - LAVA DIVERS - Khyber

  18. #18
    Community Member slaymen's Avatar
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    Mine was hilarious for sure. I had a lvl 8 halfling cleric who did a really good job of following orders and actually followed me and stayed behind so he didn't pick up agro. But boy was he dump he would only heal when whatever we were fighting was dead. So after I get incapped in C06 he then decides to heal me, but then proceeded to heal me to 100% which I was grateful for. He also managed to not get himself killed.
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  19. #19
    Community Member babygirl's Avatar
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    my human cleric was gimp! I was using cakes to rez his a$$!!!!!

  20. #20
    Community Member Tap4black's Avatar
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    posted by babygirl:

    my human cleric was gimp!
    You really should not talk about Dropdead like that, she is very sensetive
    I've met and chatted with both Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax.
    To both of you, I raise a glass in toast and say THANK YOU!

    Jaxx - LAVA DIVERS - Khyber

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