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  1. #1
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Default "Song of Fire and Ice" Coming to HBO!

    Pretty cool! Maybe I'll have to actually get pay tv again...
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by courderoyguy View Post

    Pretty cool! Maybe I'll have to actually get pay tv again...
    cool... But i have one problem with that article..

    This Part..

    “Fantasy is the most successful genre in terms of feature films given the incredible popularity of ‘Lord of the Rings’ and Harry Potter movies,” Benioff said. “High fantasy has never been done on TV before and if anybody can do it, it’s HBO.

    ummmm.... What about Legend of the Seeker?...

    High Fantasy Has been done on TV before.

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  3. #3
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Yeah, and what about Sword and Sorcery from the 80's? There've been lots of fantasy shows. But it's definitely been a while and I'm glad to see new stuff showing up.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    While fantasy shows have been done before...
    like say
    "Wizards and Warriors"

    It has not been done to any great success...
    Most are cancelled after only a few seasons.

    I believe what the author is hoping is that
    Maybe HBO, with their considerable budget,
    And the advantage of be a paid cable channel.
    (so bad language, and skimpy dress will not be an issue)
    Can break the 2-3 year ceiling.

    Also with the. Added advantage of the fantasy genere being
    On an upswing, it might be the right time for a series or two like this.

    Should be fun to watch while it lasts...
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  5. #5
    Community Member SniptheShadow's Avatar
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    I'm so excited about this being in the works!

    I know all we have for sure at this point is a green light to create a pilot episode, but I still have high hopes.

    My fear is two or three years in and it gets canceled like HBO nixed Rome because of expense. Seeing as how most of the big battles aren't seen first hand in Martin's tale, that should help there a bit.

    Now if Martin would just get A Dance With Dragons finished so I can get my fix!!!

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  6. #6
    Founder Lehrman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by courderoyguy View Post

    Pretty cool! Maybe I'll have to actually get pay tv again...
    That is all well and good, but when am I going to be getting the next book in the series? George is getting old and if he does not get cracking we will be left with an unfinished series along the lines of Wheel of Time.

  7. #7
    Community Member Odium's Avatar
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    Default This will rock.

    Its probably the best series i have ever read, and i have read alot of them.

    I think HBO can make this work. As mentioned earlier, HBO has the budget, they know how to produce quality shows (Rome, Deadwood, Sapranos, etc) The character development in these stories will be awesome.

    The problem. George RR Martin (writer of the books) is the slowest writer ever. Book 5 has been delayed for ~2 years now and still no release day in sight. It was down for september but that got quickly changed.

    I wonder who will play the characters though, that is my question.

    Sir Gregor is going to be a beast.

  8. #8
    Community Member Aerniel's Avatar
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    ummmm.... What about Legend of the Seeker?...

    legend of the seeker ****ed me off... waited months for it to come out and i get a **** series ( thanks alot Sam Raimi!!

  9. #9
    Founder Dungnmaster001's Avatar
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    ummmm.... What about Legend of the Seeker?...

    legend of the seeker ****ed me off... waited months for it to come out and i get a **** series ( thanks alot Sam Raimi!!
    Well to be fair, the series (Legend of the Seeker) is just starting. I'm hoping it gets better (though I won't hold my breath). As a huge fan of the Sword of Truth novels it's the minor details that are different from the books that make me cringe when I watch it, but the big details are what's going to kill it for me. For example: (minor spoiler if you're one of the minority that haven't seen it and might want to)

    In the novels Richard had been forced by his father to memorize the Book of Counted Shadows when he was a child. Not knowing what it was for or anything, he just had to commit the entire thing to memory front to back. The book was then destroyed.

    In the series Richard has never heard of the book, and the book is still around. Kahlan brings it with her from the Midlands and Richard tosses it in a fire to keep it out of enemy hands.

    This is a HUGE deviation from the books. In the books the fact that Richard is the only one who knows the details of the book is a major plot point. Now that's tossed out the window.

    ok enough ranting. I should know better than to expect much from TV or Movie adaptations of beloved books. They'll never get it completely right.

  10. #10
    Community Member SniptheShadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odium View Post
    Its probably the best series i have ever read, and i have read alot of them.

    I think HBO can make this work. As mentioned earlier, HBO has the budget, they know how to produce quality shows (Rome, Deadwood, Sapranos, etc) The character development in these stories will be awesome.

    The problem. George RR Martin (writer of the books) is the slowest writer ever. Book 5 has been delayed for ~2 years now and still no release day in sight. It was down for september but that got quickly changed.

    I wonder who will play the characters though, that is my question.

    Sir Gregor is going to be a beast.

    What is the name of the actor that plays in Hellboy? That guy, that actor, he is favored by George R. R. Martin to play Clegane (The Hound). He was the actor that played the Beast in the Beauty and the Beast TV show way back when that George wrote back when he dwelled in Hollywood.

    But what other actors fit the characters of the story well?

    I can see Christian Bale being a good look a like for Ned if he grew his hair out and had a beard.

    The problem is finding child actors to play so many in his story. What...Bran is only seven at the beginning of Game of Thrones, right? Arya is around nine, Rob and Jon are teens...

    Who would be a good Cercei and Jaime?

    Maybe I better stop here. This could send the thread off into a completely different direction.

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bekki View Post
    While fantasy shows have been done before...
    like say
    "Wizards and Warriors"

    It has not been done to any great success...
    Most are cancelled after only a few seasons.
    Xena ran for 6 seasons. I think it was very successful. Despite being very lame.

  12. #12
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal_gourmet View Post
    Xena ran for 6 seasons. I think it was very successful. Despite being very lame.
    Oh, for the record...
    "Hellboy" is played by Ron Pearlman

    Which is why I said "most" are cancelled after a few seasons.

    the problem with both "Zena" and "Hercules" is what seems
    To be happening with "Legend of the seeker.

    They so deviated from the books and stories that
    Both of those series' while successful eventually
    Alienated the audience.

    It is my hope that they will fix the error with the book somehow.

    I haven't read the books, but I wonder if I should now.

    They sound really good.
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  13. #13
    Founder Dungnmaster001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bekki View Post

    It is my hope that they will fix the error with the book somehow.

    I haven't read the books, but I wonder if I should now.

    They sound really good.
    They are awesome. Just for clarification the series is only covering the first book (I suppose if it's popular enough they'll do the other books with future seasons) There's 11 books so they have enough material to keep it going for quite awhile even discounting the fact they seem to be making it up as they go.(or is it 10, can't remember now.. I need to go back and re read them.)

    So much better than the series. I've decided I'm going to keep watching the series and just pretend it has nothing to do with the books. They've deviated so much that aside from the character names it's almost like an entirely different story. I had high hopes for it but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

  14. #14
    Community Member silverraven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dungnmaster001 View Post
    They are awesome. Just for clarification the series is only covering the first book (I suppose if it's popular enough they'll do the other books with future seasons) There's 11 books so they have enough material to keep it going for quite awhile even discounting the fact they seem to be making it up as they go.(or is it 10, can't remember now.. I need to go back and re read them.)

    So much better than the series. I've decided I'm going to keep watching the series and just pretend it has nothing to do with the books. They've deviated so much that aside from the character names it's almost like an entirely different story. I had high hopes for it but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.
    Well...if it deviates from the books then it might be worth watching. Seriously though I could never get into that series, but I'm very picky about my fantasy(WoT ftw, so feel free to bash my favourite series)
    Last edited by silverraven; 11-25-2008 at 02:45 PM.
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  15. #15
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lehrman View Post
    That is all well and good, but when am I going to be getting the next book in the series? George is getting old and if he does not get cracking we will be left with an unfinished series along the lines of Wheel of Time.
    It is getting pretty ridiculous. 11 mos since an update? George should can the personal appearances and finish that POS already.

  16. #16
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    It would be awesome if they could render these books well.
    The fact that its HBO gives hope as it might be not some ridiculous xena-like comedy.
    What they did to the Sword of Truth with Legend of the Seeker is unforgivable.

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  17. #17
    Community Member skyjuice's Avatar
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    "When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."

    I would like to insert a hearty bump (and with good reason i hope!) to this thread.

    I'm glad i searched knowing some thread is bound to make an appearance, and its this.

    First a short concise trailer is up at the official website. Alternatively just click me.

    If that got your attention there is more detailed reading here and here.

    For those who has not heard or read anything about the Epic (fantasy) Series by George Martin should do so as soon as possible.

    And i'll close this by leaving the best for last.

    A ten minute Inside Game Of Thrones teaser that is highly recommended!

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  18. #18
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Couldn't decide which thread to bump, so I bumped this one.

    Anyone watching this? I caught the first episode and think they did a good job on it. I'll try to catch the second episode this week sometime.

  19. #19
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    Couldn't decide which thread to bump, so I bumped this one.

    Anyone watching this? I caught the first episode and think they did a good job on it. I'll try to catch the second episode this week sometime.
    I've watched both episodes so far and thought they were fantastic. I haven't read any of the books, but I just may have to go pick them up. Loving the story so far and what they have shown of the world and lore.

  20. #20
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ridag View Post
    I've watched both episodes so far and thought they were fantastic. I haven't read any of the books, but I just may have to go pick them up. Loving the story so far and what they have shown of the world and lore.
    If you're a reader, do yourself the favor and pick these up ASAP!

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