Everyone needs a pillow. Espically me!
without im usually in a darker mood
Last edited by AlphandOmega; 07-31-2009 at 09:43 AM.
Harkonin DeathBringer WF - Myhdrill SoulStealer Drow
Oh what sad times are these that passing ruffians can say "NEEEE" to old women at will. ~Robert the Shrubber
**** some cuties up in here and a couple that are in bloodlords!Maybe I need to hit up argo...
Been sleepin on this thread I guess. Heres the pics I have online atm:
Dahnee (Clr) - Ro Shambo (Brb) - Donnie (TR FvS) - Selector (Brd/Rog) - Synthe (Wiz)
Order of the Silver Dragons (http://silverdragons-lair.net) Argonnessen
lol I get that a lot
I'll be 30 in a few months...so old enough I guess!
Dahnee (Clr) - Ro Shambo (Brb) - Donnie (TR FvS) - Selector (Brd/Rog) - Synthe (Wiz)
Order of the Silver Dragons (http://silverdragons-lair.net) Argonnessen
About month ago I received warning message from halfling society of Argo.
So I was on alert and looking for secret halfling agent around. Think I recently found and now cannot sacrifice halflings anymore.Guess all halflings can sleep well for a while at least. There is always a chance I convert their secret agent to dark side of WF world.
Fairytales don't teach us that dragons exist, but rather that dragons can be beaten.
Pics didnt work, sorry.
Last edited by Serverdown; 09-12-2009 at 09:16 PM.
Me and the guitarrist of Shadows Entwined.
Me with Shadows Entwined and Enthraller. Long live METAL!
So here is Luv..
AKA Manda/ Luvmachine/ Luvyou Longtime/ Luvsong/ Luvsick/ Luvable/ Luvbites/ Luvkills/ Luvbug/ Luvchild/ Luvspell/ Luvstruck
Here are the evil pets of DDO..
Mage the German Shepherd
Warlock the evil drunken cat. Who is better known for Jujas computer shutdowns when the power button is stepped on.
Last edited by Luv; 09-13-2009 at 09:11 AM.
Alts on Argonnessen: Manda / Luvyou Longtime / Luvsick / Luvsong / Luvmachine / Luvable / Luvstruck / Luvspell / Luvbug / Luvkills / Luvchild / Luvbites
A good friend, Myself And my partner.
Thelanis |Armament, The Battle Tank - Roderwick Thunderbeard - Daihazu Vor|
"She's got everything I need. Pharmacy keys, She's fallen hard for me, I see it in her eyes, she acts just like a nurse, around all the other guys."
- Failure, The Nurse who Loved Me
Since I am officially back on Argo...
Me after my hair cut...yes I still wear my old PT shirts...
Will (hubby) with Davin (15 mon) hours before he left for the Sandbox...
Alexis (5yrs) on her first day of school. She ALWAYS poses and "smiles with her eyes"...
forums.ddo.com : the comedic gift that keeps on giving!
Originally Posted by Deaths Ward
Taken a few years ago:
My pet:
good ol Wisconsin boy
Yes I am a RadioShack Manager, no I will not fix your cellphone, load minutes on a prepaid, activate old cellphone on current plan. Three most hated requests. Been playing for a long time. This is my game (DDO) I choose no others.
So, you think you know what love is? Love is a gas powered generator and a battery backup just so my PC power light is always on! THE CURSE OF THE AZUREBONDS
Harkonin DeathBringer WF - Myhdrill SoulStealer Drow
Oh what sad times are these that passing ruffians can say "NEEEE" to old women at will. ~Robert the Shrubber
That is one large, very detailed, picture.
Any relation to David Koresh?
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen