The Djinni of the cake has gotten his eyes checked. He now recognizes you as the master of the cake, and will grant your wishes rather than making you dance for his amusement.

it blows my mind that devs spend time to fix this kind of **** but won't do anything about potions. you know what this tells me. is that devs like the way potions are atm and have no intention of fixing them. bloody hell. probably one of the biggest idiocities in this game is the way potions are working right now and dev's are fixing **** like this.

money well spent

here's an idea. i'll spend an extra 20$ this month for my subscription. go down to the local high school and hire someone to come help you with the game. see if he can fix the clock on your vcr for you too.

what time is it at your house TURBINE!





you disgust me at times.