As the game progresses we are getting more and more choices available to us as
far as races, classes, and builds within those classes. However, It seems to me that
many of these choices are not so viable. Actually it seems if some of our old choices
have decreased in effectiveness to a point that it is not a valid choice at all.
Before I go any further, I must tell you, I am a fan of ALL races, classes, and builds.
I think there should be more than one way to finish a quest or any objective. I despise
a quest that makes a party stack one class or style just to complete it. This game
is based on an old game where a party made up of assorted classes should be able to
complete objectives and quest together. You all have seen the quest with 3 mages,
2 clerics and one 'other' type. Maybe you seen the raid with 2 clerics and 9 full dps
melee classes, and yes the one guy that has just enough rogue to open a door.
The direction I see the game going is for there only to be 3 classes with 2-3 different
flavors of one of the classes.
HPS (heal per second)
DPS (damage per second)
SPS (spells or spell damage per second)
With the DPS you will have a choice between your Two-Handed big hit dealing
Barbarian or your Two-Weapon Tempest Ranger. Now someone has to have a level or
two of rogue and someone has to have enough bard to cast or sing some buffs, but
not too much of these classes as to hurt the DPS.
Gone are the days of the dex fighter that focused on stat damage and could actually
still fight a Red Named Boss with some proficiency.
Gone are the days of the repeater crossbow fighter, ranger, or bard.
Gone are the days of the crowd control sorcerer.
Gone are the days of the crowd control bard. (spells)
Gone are the days of fascinate. (after the Giant Hold area)
Gone are the days of the sword and board Khopesh Fighter. (or sword and board anything)
Gone are the days of the trap monkey pure rogue.
The game has gotten incredibly easy in its' strategy.
Open the door.
Solve the puzzle.
Beat up the enemy. (You can cast a spell here if you want)
sometime we do have a slight variation.
Beat up the enemy
Beat up the enemy
Much of the finesse and technique is gone from the game after level 12.
My actual favorite class is the bard (or was). It used to be a little frustrating that
Red and Purple named mobs were immune to 99% of my spells. Now whole areas are
being created with blanket immunities to most of my spells or songs. I was all for giving
a saving throw vs fascinate, but not blanket immunities.
To me, it seems as if the devs only want us to build Healbots, Buffbots, THF Barbarians,
TWF Rangers, Sorcerers, and Warchanters.
I have spent 25-45 hours per week playing this game since February 28, 2006. I can
honestly say that I am frustated with the direction of the classes and game. I think
there are less viable choices today than there were two and a half years ago.
Now this post will probably fall on deaf ears from the developers and flamers from the
forums, but I just feel I had to say something.