You forget who you're telling Lifespawn.
I am lucky to get 0.5 Large Ingredients per run.
I ran 5 Shrouds on 3 Different toons in a week, and my ingredient tally at the end was:
3 Small ingredients
1 Medium Ingredients (And 1 Medium Horn)
0 Larges (Except for maybe 1 Large Horn)
So for me, your 2 weeks is actually about 6 months. And I dont play as nearly as much as I used to, due to family etc.
Ppl tell me there are plenty of W/P daggers and SS going for cheap Larges, but I refer them to the above Ingredient tally. I think it might be time to cancel my account again, it seems to change my looting luck from Cursed -3 to Blessed +10.
And to Stele, its all good buddy. Your rapier, your choice.