I think it's time for a 2nd attempt at the all monk shroud since you should all have uber monk gear by now, and the un-nerf of GTWF actually makes monk a playable class again (almost). Giving people lots of notice cos I know you're all running Sor'jek and stuff, and Shroud is getting a bit Old Hat, but I still want to get this done.
Rules: you have to have the monk icon but don't have to be monk/16.
Things to bring:
Greater construct bane stuff
Res scrolls and/or clickies
icy raiments
transmuting kamas for harry (with greater evil/lawful outsider bane)
fire protection/resist pots
vorpals for trash
barkskin pots
healing pots
*EDIT* Updated time for 2nd try: Sunday 30th 9pm