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  1. #1
    Founder dragonofsteel2's Avatar
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    Default Set items trapping down one path, call me crazy but I like choice

    The reason do not like these set items is simple if keep building them from 1,2,3 then 4. It's trapping u get these items because of the greater and greater benefit of them. This is not the way to go sorry, they said going to add on more and more with it. Great so that means sooner or later going to be trap into these set items with less choice. Woot 5 set items, to me just sucks.

    Sorry getting less choice more a force into grinding gear do not even like, because of set bonus. Levik's Bracers - (Bracers) Levik's Defender, Healing Amplification 20%, Strength +6
    Levik's Defender - (Shield) +5 Tower Shield (Base DMG:1d12), Leviks's Defender, Healer's Bounty, Sonic Guard
    Levik's Defender - Then 2 items are equipped you will receive a +3 Insight bonus to AC, +20% additional threat. When 3 items are equipped you will receive a +5 Insight Bonus to AC, +30% additional threat.
    Levik's Defender , see I do not use the tower shield on my pally/fighter and they making it be the only way to go, if I want to be AC pally/fighter. As the set is now it would improve my AC, so becoming oh you have to grind this gear ((. Before this third set came out I had other choices. So in turn the game decide you either use a tower shield or lose 4AC (. To me this is sad forcing me to become a template toon.

    Not to mention if my caster has to wear 3-5 slots of items just to have certain abiliteis.

    Its just wrong to take my option away because making limit set bonus items. If you want to make multiple items in the shield/armor/bracer slots that can use with the same set bonus great. Though think making use take certain items there that u dim I should is just wrong.

    I do not know about everyone, but these set items can get out of control if they do not watch themselves. Just worried from hearing the plan to expand these set in the next mod. That will make 4 set items for certain builds or you just not as good sorry ((((. Talk about grind and leaving certain casual players in the dust. Also giving someone like me no choice how to piece together gear to work. To me that part of the fun, I do not want them forcing me down one path.
    Last edited by Peter Tamburro; 11-10-2008 at 01:26 AM.

  2. #2


    I know what you mean.

    I'm not sure if I would go as far as speaking against these. There is both good and bad about them. If there would be more items, it would even lead to interesting decisions: Do I take the set or do I set up that way? Unless these are incredibly overpowered and there is no equivalent to crucial abilities given by the set, it could even lead to more options than there are already.

    But yes, forcing toward linearity isn't a good thing. Players like to customize their character., #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #3
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Tamburro View Post
    I eat cupcakes like everyone else, but these set items can get out of control if they do not watch themselves(like Richard Simmons). Just worried from hearing the plan to expand these set in the next mod. That will make 4 set items for certain builds or you just not as good sorry. Talk about grind and leaving certain casual players in the dust, which will cause certain Market NPCs to suddenly begin a binge of Meow Mix. Also giving someone like me no choice how to piece together gear to work, kind of like trying to build a space shuttle out of old Pringles tubes and metal kitchenware. To me that part of the fun, I do not want them forcing me down one path. I also like to find as many things as possible to kill my character, round them all up into one small area, then desparately try to survive against a small legion of baddies to test my skills and have a joyous time dying. Please remove the Death Tax for suicidal maniacs like me. Also, bind all my items to my characters, then turn them into Rusty Iron Forks with a Durability of 0.5
    You DO have the option of NOT using said gear, or not using your time to farm for said gear.

    You could just play the game instead of working at it.

    BTW I lost the concept for a minute and started making your quote make more sense. I hope ya like it.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 11-10-2008 at 03:38 AM. Reason: Those darn eskimos are hoarding all the groundfruits!

  4. #4
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    The only thing I'm really worried about is the caster ones... because there isn't any alternative for them. The only way to get a Greater or Superior "potency" VIII effect is through the Glacial Assault and Lorrick... or whatever its name is (its early)

    That means to cast the top moost effective spells you pretty much need these items or you'd be better off with a lower level effect that you can enhance

    Now if Tier III is the highest Set Bonus effect and they put out 5-6 pieces that can be interchanged ... then it may be ok... or at least a little bit ok

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  5. #5
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    There is not enough set (currently, one for AC, one for caster, one for rogues), thus pidgeon-holing all characters.
    If you really wanna go with sets, then make 2-3 sets per class. At least a choice still exists.

    But ya, making sets out of rare raid loot sucks.

  6. #6
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venar View Post
    But ya, making sets out of rare raid loot sucks.
    It's another case of setting up an "ideal" set for the min/maxers who enjoy grinding to death for the "rare lootz". I think its another symptom of the devs moving further and further away from the promises on the box of "no grinding" and "no travel, just step through a door and you are at the quest" in favor of those who have no lives outside of the game.

  7. #7
    Community Member esoitl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    The only thing I'm really worried about is the caster ones... because there isn't any alternative for them. The only way to get a Greater or Superior "potency" VIII effect is through the Glacial Assault and Lorrick... or whatever its name is (its early)

    That means to cast the top moost effective spells you pretty much need these items or you'd be better off with a lower level effect that you can enhance

    Now if Tier III is the highest Set Bonus effect and they put out 5-6 pieces that can be interchanged ... then it may be ok... or at least a little bit ok

    You're merely thinking of the 'now' however. There are currently sets that provide the upgrade to 8th level spells but when they introduce the Potency VIII items, you will no longer need the set bonus at all. When you look at it, the set benefits all of one spell and that's Polar Ray - everything else I believe is covered by other items in game. Cleric's get Superior Devotion VIII from their set and even then you will likely see Clerics still holding a Superior Potency VI sceptre merely for Blade Barriers.

    So while I can agree that sets aren't the ideal way of adding loot properties I don't see the need to complain about how they are being used so far, nor do I feel it a need to get the items. Frankly, the items are nice enough that I do use some of them, but not all of them. I don't remember all of the items and what they do but for a Cleric having Wizardry VI, WIS +6, and Efficient Metamagic: Empower Healing II on a necklace is great... most will be using that regardless. I'm sure there is at least one for each set like this and the set really isn't essential to get.

  8. #8
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    /agree with the OP

    I can grind out all these items but think variety in gear is one of the interesting aspects to DDO. Making us all cookie cutter copies of each other is not a good direction for the game.

    Also concerned my 2 monk/rest cleric will be seriously underpowered by end game as he cannot even use the 'cleric set' as it has a shield.

    I would like to see effects like superior devotion/potency greater than 6 be available on other items.

  9. #9
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    I like the sets. None of them-are-required-for-success-otherwise-you-are-a-gimp. I think the one that has third tier feather fall is kinda dumb unless there is a hidden benefit. I also like Borro's suggestion on the Levik's, so maybe they could use some tinkering. But, overall, I find them to be interesting options. I'd like to see more of them--infinite diversity in infinite combinations--rather than cookie cutter stuff.

    Probably in a couple of months as folks complete d.t. armor there's going to be a severe lack of fashion in ol Stormreach as well!

    At least the proceeds from the slot machine crafting is going to educate the children of Stormreach, right?
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  10. #10
    Community Member Mindspat's Avatar
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    I agree that the items are causing the apperance of being pigeon holed. The only way around this is to rethink and redefine your play styles.

    The items being created are for very generic players with limited scope. I don't mean to offend, but it's true. The developers have to appeal to the broadest sense of players and unfortunately this is where the items come from.

    The problem with this is there will always be players who create character builds that are unique and break all concepts of how a class should be played; ie, pure sorc with Light Armor Prof & Weapon Finnesse. The DEVs have a difficult time catering to every playstyle although the Greensteel items was good proof they are capable of adressing this.

    As I see it I'll not be able to update my character's equipment any sooner then Mod9, but do we honestly think there'll be items geared towards a pure Sorcerer that's built around modest melee capabillities?

    (if Tenser can create a spell why can't there be other majicks misplaced and strewn about that also share a similar melee themed approach.)
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  11. #11
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Maybe with named sets of loot we'll eventually get armor/gear set slots. I'd like to have a few different armor slots to switch out to situationally.

  12. #12
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    i think the sets are good b/c it makes you sacrifice a item slot in order to get the benefits, imo there should be sacrifice in order to capitalize on the best gear. it leads to hard choices for each toon and if its too much for your toon to give up then you will have to go a different way, which leads to less cookie cutter builds/set ups. ie not all clerics running around in blue armor etc.

    i would like to see some weapon/weapon and weapon/item combos tho - a s&b set, a TWF set, a THF + bracers, etc.

  13. #13
    Community Member Mindspat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    It's another case of setting up an "ideal" set for the min/maxers who enjoy grinding to death for the "rare lootz". I think its another symptom of the devs moving further and further away from the promises on the box of "no grinding" and "no travel, just step through a door and you are at the quest" in favor of those who have no lives outside of the game.
    In all fairness to the DEV's, that "box" is approaching 3 years of age and we all don't need to be founders to identify how flawed the initial concept of the game had been. To even quote the box and attempt to insight opposition of it is nothing less then idiocy, but I know you were only using it as an example of how misplaced the development had been and how far they've come since.

    The set-pieces are not geared towards min/max characters/players - Suggesting this is dumb. Just because a perk is not centric to your playstyle or character's build does not mean you're build is supposed to incorporate the bonuses. On the other hand, the valid point to this discussion is the limited scope of availble options that support unique builds.
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  14. #14
    Community Member trptim's Avatar
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    All of these sets are named after someone.
    So it only makes sense that the sets match the "build" or needs of that one person.

    If those sets do not match your needs then you were not built like Tharne or Levik, etc.

    If you want to use the set to its fullest, then yes, you will be pigeon-holed to be a Tharne clone, and no one wants to be a Tharne clone(FF for the loss )
    Last edited by trptim; 11-10-2008 at 02:11 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    You DO have the option of NOT using said gear, or not using your time to farm for said gear.

    You could just play the game instead of working at it.

    BTW I lost the concept for a minute and started making your quote make more sense. I hope ya like it.

    Grinding and getting gear to be better equipped is an option. Not an obligation.

    Just like RL.....there are those who work hard and achieve x y z success measured in the house, car, travel, education, etc....

    And there´s those who enjoy the quality of the journey....neither needs to be stricken from the map Mr. Ahmadinejad.
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  16. #16


    I find it funny that in the last few threads I've just read...

    The Dragontouched thread is complaining that the Levik's bonus isnt appealing enough from an AC perspective vs what you sacrifice...

    The Icey Raiments thread says Dragontouched is no good because the Chattering Ring won't stack, so Dragontouched armor is a waste...

    Now I'm reading that due to the "sets", everyone will be wearing the same armor and choice is limited...

    Well, I guess I just wish the forums would settle on which "limited choice" was the single choice we are all supposed to make, as it would seem everyone is arguing that there are several "choices" for the one path that is choice limiting.

    We really need to get on the same page as to which armor is causing DooooOOOMMM...I can't seem to choose!
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  17. #17
    Founder dragonofsteel2's Avatar
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    You DO have the option of NOT using said gear, or not using your time to farm for said gear.

    You could just play the game instead of working at it.

    BTW I lost the concept for a minute and started making your quote make more sense. I hope ya like it.
    See you miss the point, yes you always have options. Although if they continue down this path your other options might suck. This in turn limiting your options. Yes, I did string to many thoughts together. I should edit and compress my thoughts ).

  18. #18
    Community Member Mindspat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathseeker View Post
    I find it funny that in the last few threads I've just read...

    The Dragontouched thread is complaining that the Levik's bonus isnt appealing enough from an AC perspective vs what you sacrifice...

    The Icey Raiments thread says Dragontouched is no good because the Chattering Ring won't stack, so Dragontouched armor is a waste...

    Now I'm reading that due to the "sets", everyone will be wearing the same armor and choice is limited...

    Well, I guess I just wish the forums would settle on which "limited choice" was the single choice we are all supposed to make, as it would seem everyone is arguing that there are several "choices" for the one path that is choice limiting.
    The problem isn't that the current options aren't good, it's that the items are appearing less specific; a good thing. Most players are unable to indentify how giving up a few points here or there for other effects is good since all they see is what they're loosing. This is mostly geared towards the min/max thinkers who tend to forget to think outside of the box. They focus on DPS, AC, HP and if anything else gets involved it becomes a "gimp" in their eyes.

    I suspect this is actually to encourage more diversity and will eventually break the min/max issues that are become obvious with AC, DPS and HP.
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