Something happened today that made me think of you, Strecth. My 6-month old lab pup is starting to take an interest in the wildlife... this past Saturday, I caught her eating the back 1/3rd of a still-warm full-grown rabbit that she had apparently caught.
This evening, I saw the same pup sleeping on my bed, spooning with one of the cats. The one that has colorings like a rabbit... your name came to mind.
That cat must have big brass ones that somehow survived last week's trip to the vet.
The difference is cat doesnt run away, unlike the rabbit tried to. The pups get to be alot more fun from 6 mos. onward. Someday you will see the light and get yourself a pointer instead of a flush dog(but I imagine you spend alot more time on the water). Tex(10 month shorthair pointer) has taken a fond interest in the wildlife too, unfortunately the chickens have become part of his wish list as well. It is good for him that pheasant season started this week. Grouse have been giving him fits. Best of luck to you and your pups this season.
Im so happy, you been thinking about me... I feel loved. On the other hand am a little wierded out at the same time...
Community Kitten Eater! High Priest Vatican Assassin Warlock. Duh Winning!
Strecth- 20 Favored Soul Plats-1 - 20 Favored Soul Hoochy- 20 Bard Futs- 20 Barb
Mrsheen- Winning Warlock