OK I want to do some mroe Shroud crafting, I don't fell like farmign the vale quests atm, as my play tiem is less then normal atm and i want to focus on other stuff when i can actuly get onSooo I'm willing to pay/trade decently for others to make me some blanks...
atm I am looking for:
1 helm
1 G-axe
1 Belt
I have various **** avalibel for trade:
+2 tomes
True Law Smiting Falction
Large Ingredants that are not scales
An asortment of nice Kamas
varius other trappings if you have something your looking for feel free to ask I can take a look through my banks, adn let you know what i Have.
PM's with offers are best I'm more likly to see and respond to them sooner, btu you can post here as well.