So my sorcerer currently uses a blue dragon scale robe. My ranger used to use a white scale robe until icy raiments came along. I recently obtained some relic armor for my lowbie cleric just to see what it looked like as these armors have already gone extinct, and I fear that dragonscale armor is heading that way.
Blue dragon armor in its various forms has generally been the prefered armor for casters and clerics (with black coming in second). With the advent of dragon touched armor, I would imagine that fewer people will be farming for the older scale armor, and thus there will be less runs of Gianthold Tor. White and Black armor has already mostly gone the way of the dodo.
I can't imagine grinding out 25-ish runs (assuming people will trades some scales with you) just to get some armor that will be obsolete in a couple of levels. A new replacement of bluescale robes might be dragon touched armor that has something like:
Greater Potency VII
Spell Pen VIII
Resistance +5
The blue scale is mostly obsolete then (except for arcane lore that you will have to use a weapon slot for) I think this is a shame because Gianthold Tor is a great quest, and some of the graphics on the dragon armor are really good... I would hate to see them disappear entirely from the game. (In particular the scalemail and the robes which are quite nice looking... I'm not crazy about the hide or the plate, but to each their own).
In order to increase the likelyhood of people running TOR, I suggest dropping the number of scales required to make a suit of dragon armor. I'm not sure what the right number is, but I think people would probably be willing to run this quest if they could get the required scales in less than a dozen runs.