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  1. #1
    Community Member gfunk's Avatar
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    Default Save Dragon Scale Armor

    So my sorcerer currently uses a blue dragon scale robe. My ranger used to use a white scale robe until icy raiments came along. I recently obtained some relic armor for my lowbie cleric just to see what it looked like as these armors have already gone extinct, and I fear that dragonscale armor is heading that way.

    Blue dragon armor in its various forms has generally been the prefered armor for casters and clerics (with black coming in second). With the advent of dragon touched armor, I would imagine that fewer people will be farming for the older scale armor, and thus there will be less runs of Gianthold Tor. White and Black armor has already mostly gone the way of the dodo.

    I can't imagine grinding out 25-ish runs (assuming people will trades some scales with you) just to get some armor that will be obsolete in a couple of levels. A new replacement of bluescale robes might be dragon touched armor that has something like:

    Greater Potency VII
    Spell Pen VIII
    Resistance +5

    The blue scale is mostly obsolete then (except for arcane lore that you will have to use a weapon slot for) I think this is a shame because Gianthold Tor is a great quest, and some of the graphics on the dragon armor are really good... I would hate to see them disappear entirely from the game. (In particular the scalemail and the robes which are quite nice looking... I'm not crazy about the hide or the plate, but to each their own).

    In order to increase the likelyhood of people running TOR, I suggest dropping the number of scales required to make a suit of dragon armor. I'm not sure what the right number is, but I think people would probably be willing to run this quest if they could get the required scales in less than a dozen runs.
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  2. #2
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    How about adding white/blue/black crafting recipes as random (but fairly rare) drops to the GH chests - used like tomes, once you read them then you get a possible option to upgrade existing dragonscale armor at the appropriate vendor? It could cost additional scales (5?) and/or maybe other collectibles/gems to make the upgrade.

    The upgrades could add new properties or slightly upgrade the existing properties on the armor to bring it up to the current loot standard.
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  3. #3


    How about this add option to draconic scholar called imbue dragonscale armor

    This should be expensive maybe 150 runes or loads of plat, the effect would be that it is given a generic rune slot(only one) but it will accept all runes and give the according effects. Call it dragontouched dragonscale armor and raise the ml to 16
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  4. #4
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    How about this add option to draconic scholar called imbue dragonscale armor

    This should be expensive maybe 150 runes or loads of plat, the effect would be that it is given a generic rune slot(only one) but it will accept all runes and give the according effects. Call it dragontouched dragonscale armor and raise the ml to 16
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  5. #5
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    I still think blue scale is the best for arcane casters due to all the effects on it. Otherwise you need to carry and swap more items for different types of spells (crit, potency, pen, etc.).

  6. #6
    Community Member Phineasj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    How about this add option to draconic scholar called imbue dragonscale armor

    This should be expensive maybe 150 runes or loads of plat, the effect would be that it is given a generic rune slot(only one) but it will accept all runes and give the according effects. Call it dragontouched dragonscale armor and raise the ml to 16
    ooooohhhh!!! now that is something I could get behind!

  7. #7
    Community Member marcosoneghett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    How about this add option to draconic scholar called imbue dragonscale armor

    This should be expensive maybe 150 runes or loads of plat, the effect would be that it is given a generic rune slot(only one) but it will accept all runes and give the according effects. Call it dragontouched dragonscale armor and raise the ml to 16
    Gallandha Main:Selano; Alts: Phaenre; Bonno; Khazad; Montolio * Thelanis Main: Syrrion; Alts: Kaled; Aylon * Khyber Main: Toylan; * Argonessen Main: Steelcaster; Alt: Syrrion * Sarlona Main: Bonno. and many others on all these servers.

  8. #8
    Community Member Vivanto's Avatar
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    Until turbine gives us superior arcane lore, or at least greater arcane lore on different items the blue one will always be sought after. Only problem is you actually need 25 runs since theres hardly anyone left who want to trade for any of the 2 other colors.

    Greater Arcane Lore is only on 3 named items currently in the game and the blue dragon armor is still the easiest to get. (and most practical)

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    How about this add option to draconic scholar called imbue dragonscale armor

    This should be expensive maybe 150 runes or loads of plat, the effect would be that it is given a generic rune slot(only one) but it will accept all runes and give the according effects. Call it dragontouched dragonscale armor and raise the ml to 16
    I like it.

    Can I get the rune for non-tissue paper durablity on my Blue dragonscale robe?
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  10. #10
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    Nice idea.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    How about this add option to draconic scholar called imbue dragonscale armor

    This should be expensive maybe 150 runes or loads of plat, the effect would be that it is given a generic rune slot(only one) but it will accept all runes and give the according effects. Call it dragontouched dragonscale armor and raise the ml to 16

  12. #12
    Community Member Voalkrynn2's Avatar
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    unbind the armor so we can xfer it that way we get more use out of it?

  13. #13
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    any reason this armor shouldnt become obsolete as more content comes out? Just because you had to grind the Tor 'x' amount of times to make it doesnt make it special. Equipment becoming outdated is just part of playing an MMO. Just be glad this game in particular doesnt do the equipment grind quite like other games (it being significantly less work to get a certain piece of equipment here than say completing a top teir set in WoW, or competing for a rare world spawn in FFXI)

    The only thing left worthwhile on these armors is the arcane lore and the heal clickie, both simply because their rare effects in relation to availability on other items. Yes you could try for a skiver or green blade and then be able to replace the effect, or wait for another mod to see if its available in the tables there. But complaining for an upgrade to what used to be a very nice armor a few mods back simply because you're like the skin, or are too lazy to swap around your equipment, are not legitimate reasons to reevaluate the power of the item. Its not broken.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  14. #14
    Community Member kaidendager's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    any reason this armor shouldnt become obsolete as more content comes out? Just because you had to grind the Tor 'x' amount of times to make it doesnt make it special. Equipment becoming outdated is just part of playing an MMO. Just be glad this game in particular doesnt do the equipment grind quite like other games (it being significantly less work to get a certain piece of equipment here than say completing a top teir set in WoW, or competing for a rare world spawn in FFXI)

    The only thing left worthwhile on these armors is the arcane lore and the heal clickie, both simply because their rare effects in relation to availability on other items. Yes you could try for a skiver or green blade and then be able to replace the effect, or wait for another mod to see if its available in the tables there. But complaining for an upgrade to what used to be a very nice armor a few mods back simply because you're like the skin, or are too lazy to swap around your equipment, are not legitimate reasons to reevaluate the power of the item. Its not broken.

    The Sword of Shadows doesn't see much play anymore...would be a pretty crappy loot table if it did. The Dragon's Eye used to be the epitome of drops but I'm glad they didn't cap it just to make the Eye "saved". Loot comes and goes, if you really like what you have keep it for style. If you want the latest greatest equipment, well go get the latest greatest equipment.

  15. #15
    Community Member Gennerik's Avatar
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    Default However

    Quote Originally Posted by kaidendager View Post

    The Sword of Shadows doesn't see much play anymore...would be a pretty crappy loot table if it did. The Dragon's Eye used to be the epitome of drops but I'm glad they didn't cap it just to make the Eye "saved". Loot comes and goes, if you really like what you have keep it for style. If you want the latest greatest equipment, well go get the latest greatest equipment.
    Some loot does come and go (Kundarak Delving Suit is still the highest light armor AC you can get), but for those items like the Dragonscal Armor (ones that had initially very steep requirements in order to get when the content was end-game and the item is the best you can do) will suddenly fade to complete obscurity. By the time you grind out getting 25 scales, you can probably wear the Dragontouched armor, even if you started Gianthold at level 10. It basically no longer makes sense to even try for the armor unless you have a very specific build that will continue to use the Dragonscale Armor past level 16. It would make more sense to drop the requirements needed to obtain the items as they become older from a mechanics viewpoint (the quests get run less as there is more to run besides them and better items soon after, so it'll be much harder to get 25 scales) as well as a role-playing viewpoint (the armorsmiths have all gotten better at making it, meaning that they require less raw materials in order to produce the armor).

    I do like the idea of being able to add a rune enchantment to the Dragonscale Armor (and only one rune enchantment that can be overwritten). It would be nice to see some tie-ins with previous armors that have the same theme.

  16. #16
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    any reason this armor shouldnt become obsolete as more content comes out? .
    Yes, because then no one will get it in the future. Since the white and black are now largely unwanted, only those wanting the blue will be in the Tor. So you are looking on average at 50-75 runs to get your set - that means Dragonscale armor is dead. Not just at level, but period.

    You are right that it was predictable...many of us said that the GH grind mechanism would result in the armor eventually being ignored and frankly with the tougher reaver I'm not sure many people will bother to grind for the 60 to even Tor flag at level, if ever.

    Unfortunately as it is, these quests will die, and that's a shame...

    I do like the idea of allowing a dragon crafted armor slot to be added. I also think it would help if the white armor was heavy fort instead of medium (which no serious melee except WF use)

  17. #17
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Yes, because then no one will get it in the future. Since the white and black are now largely unwanted, only those wanting the blue will be in the Tor. So you are looking on average at 50-75 runs to get your set - that means Dragonscale armor is dead. Not just at level, but period.

    You are right that it was predictable...many of us said that the GH grind mechanism would result in the armor eventually being ignored and frankly with the tougher reaver I'm not sure many people will bother to grind for the 60 to even Tor flag at level, if ever.

    Unfortunately as it is, these quests will die, and that's a shame...

    I do like the idea of allowing a dragon crafted armor slot to be added. I also think it would help if the white armor was heavy fort instead of medium (which no serious melee except WF use)
    isnt that the case for all the early raids? i dont know anyone who does the dragon now outside of experience in the sub lvl ten range. It certainly isnt ran for loot; DQ is like pulling teeth, and with the dodge bonus available on DT armor now, I know I'll be doing titan ALOT less. Stopped running Reaver on my old toons, once my new ones grab a pair of madstone boots they'll be out of there too. Of course old raids are going to be ignored when they're out dated; why would anyone go to the trouble of grinding out those quests when theres better available a few levels later? Dragonscale loot is no different than any other old loot.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  18. #18
    Community Member Gennerik's Avatar
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    Default So what should be done about it?

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    isnt that the case for all the early raids? i dont know anyone who does the dragon now outside of experience in the sub lvl ten range. It certainly isnt ran for loot; DQ is like pulling teeth, and with the dodge bonus available on DT armor now, I know I'll be doing titan ALOT less. Stopped running Reaver on my old toons, once my new ones grab a pair of madstone boots they'll be out of there too. Of course old raids are going to be ignored when they're out dated; why would anyone go to the trouble of grinding out those quests when theres better available a few levels later? Dragonscale loot is no different than any other old loot.
    So then, the real problem behind all of this is that making grind-content at mid-levels just makes that content largely ignored. And that puts us at either ignoring almost all mid-level content because there's no point in spending the time to get the items from it (like almost every item from level 10-14 raids) or else in order to keep the grind-gear useful, then we have nothing to look forward to at levels 17-20 because none of the gear is as good as what we have now.

    Turbine needs to revisit the old content to actually make is worth running (by essentially drastically reducing the grind of getting the equipment) for the level-equivalent character, since instead of end-game content it's now just a brief stop at getting to level 20. If they don't, there's just going to be a huge gap of the game that is dead, since the only content that as run is that which has the highest XP/time ratio. Grind is great when you don't plan on advancing the maximum anymore, otherwise you end up just killing your own game.

  19. #19
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    How about this add option to draconic scholar called imbue dragonscale armor

    This should be expensive maybe 150 runes or loads of plat, the effect would be that it is given a generic rune slot(only one) but it will accept all runes and give the according effects. Call it dragontouched dragonscale armor and raise the ml to 16
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  20. #20
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gennerik View Post
    Turbine needs to revisit the old content to actually make is worth running (by essentially drastically reducing the grind of getting the equipment) for the level-equivalent character, since instead of end-game content it's now just a brief stop at getting to level 20. If they don't, there's just going to be a huge gap of the game that is dead, since the only content that as run is that which has the highest XP/time ratio. Grind is great when you don't plan on advancing the maximum anymore, otherwise you end up just killing your own game.
    this I could support, drop the cost of the armor down to ten scales, and then people would still be tempted to grab it in order to have nice armor while they're rerolling their DT armor into desirable effects. Or trying to grind whatever future mods bring. Both DQ and the dragon are going the way of the dodo simply b/c the time to get flagged isnt worth the drops any more. The only unique things in the dragon any more are the KDS, the boots, and a clickie of restoration on the hammer. One of those is only slightly better than whats available later (1 more ac for a certain dex range), another is situationally useful but has no striding, and the other is a 1 charge clickie. The DQ still has a few nice items, but alot of the effects can be replecated with other items or consumables(green blade see skiver or blue robe, cloak is any shroud dust, VoD goggles beat dq goggles, belt was nice for two effects but crafting does that too); the bracers, the torc, and the staff are the only things with real unique effects.

    wife aggro lol leave it at that for now
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

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