+1 Banishing Rapier of Deception for trade. (min lvl 12)
1 Lg Scale, and 1 Lg stone
+1 Banishing Rapier of Deception for trade. (min lvl 12)
1 Lg Scale, and 1 Lg stone
Last edited by smatt; 11-08-2008 at 01:38 PM.
I've got a Stone and not another Lg Scale to spare, but I'll keep you in mind if I pull another scale. I'll send you a PM if I get a hold of one.
i got a scale and stone pm or find me in game
Blackbetty,Ramjam,Urdlen,Mange,Lutehor,Lutetor,,In timitard,Shadough,Intimitard
Item ahs been traded thanks all.... It went to the first person who PM'd me.