When things get rough, I use my army of cats to rage against the night.
Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
Guess i'll post a pic of me.
Now that I am playing more on Thelanis (Likkerpig the Warchanter, Level 8), here is me and my family.
My four year old son in a bucket. He likes to hang with me when I play DDO. He has a sword, a bow, a shield, and a wand that he uses to help Daddy fight the monsters. Lately he has been using a ukelele to help me play Bard Songs.
My other four kids after a recent winter camping trip. My oldest son is into WoW, but he is just a kid and will grow out of it I think.
My wonderful wife and youngest son. The horse is now glue, but everyone else is fine.
The whole darn extended family, wife's side. I am the ogre sized dude on the right. We are sort of standing on a hill here, so although I am the biggest I am not THAT the biggest.
Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.
Just thought I'd toss Syn into the mix.. active toons on Thelanis; Synwell/wiz16, SynSplitter ftr7/rgr9, Silvereal clr16, SynSorc sor16, Synspewer ftr13/rgr2/rog1, Drizzz ftr14/rgr2, Throbbinhood rog16, Synsmiter pal16, Synless clr12
Images removed for OpSec.
I have an upcoming deployment. Please ask if you wish to see a photo.
Last edited by PaintHorseCowboy; 06-26-2009 at 01:36 AM.
----------==========[[[ LEGION ]]]==========----------
Death Waits In The Dark
So yeah i am lazy to go upload them to something else to put on here but here are some pictures from my myspace.
Or look at more myspace.com/spanishblueeyes
And Yeah i know about the cleavage.![]()
Rakellalea, Razakiller, Spritefire, Eekk THELANIS
Originally Posted by eclipsechild
My problem is getting worse. I tried to involve her, so I rolled a human female barbarian two handed tank with low Int and named it after her. What did I do wrong?
Alright, my turn I suppose.
Two from the Atlanta Steeplechase. Gotta love free liquor, several thousand drunk folks, and oh yeah....horse racing
Breakin' it down on the dance floor...
And a normal one, I suppose...
I'm Back!Mekkah | Meccah | Admetus | Dystain | Tymplar | Rawkstar | Meckah | Dyspair | Vendytta | MekkaProud Officer / Co-Founder - Ashes of the Phoenix
lol someone please post a new pic up here. Its bad enough i have to game with mecca and listen to him.. now everytime i see this thread i have to look at him . Help us all out someone please.!!!
Psst. dont tell him i said this
so you think you can out drink a dwarf...... Wanna Bet??
I tried to find a recent pic of me that dosent have any of my girlfriends or nudity (lol) involved and this is all I could come up with. Its taken after a long night out on South Beach at someones house Im not really sure of. As a matter of fact, Im not quite sure how I ended up with the pic in the first place.
Thelanis - VIoxxx Ravyn Arcanjel Sykotik Twotone Xeric Devient Malefic Alchemyst
My chair after a week in the new apartment:
My buddie showed me this thread.. hope I'm not too late!!
This is a pic of me, my husband (Killya) and Frankdatank (right) on April 11th 2009 at my wedding. We're all gamers, we're all Stormlords.. what kind of wedding would it be if SOMEONE (who shall remain nameless) didn't get drunk and log into DDO in the parking lot on his wifi and announce to the guild he just saw 2 guildies get married.. who who.. we shall never know :P
Last edited by Alshatar; 07-15-2009 at 02:50 AM.
Thelanis ~~~ Officer of Stormlords ~~~Linasa 20 Bard, Linnasa 20 Cleric, Aurie 20 Ranger, Dojie 18 Ranger, 1 rogue, 1 monk, Jadis 20 Sorc, Crane 20 Monk, NoCure 20 FvS
OMG we have tony romo on Thelanis!![]()
Rakellalea, Razakiller, Spritefire, Eekk THELANIS
Originally Posted by eclipsechild
My problem is getting worse. I tried to involve her, so I rolled a human female barbarian two handed tank with low Int and named it after her. What did I do wrong?
so you think you can out drink a dwarf...... Wanna Bet??
Tony Romo? No idea who he is....I don't watch golf....
I'm Back!Mekkah | Meccah | Admetus | Dystain | Tymplar | Rawkstar | Meckah | Dyspair | Vendytta | MekkaProud Officer / Co-Founder - Ashes of the Phoenix
Rakellalea, Razakiller, Spritefire, Eekk THELANIS
Originally Posted by eclipsechild
My problem is getting worse. I tried to involve her, so I rolled a human female barbarian two handed tank with low Int and named it after her. What did I do wrong?
so you think you can out drink a dwarf...... Wanna Bet??
I don't think frank does autographs.. but .. if that's the case, I'm his manager!! :P
Thelanis ~~~ Officer of Stormlords ~~~Linasa 20 Bard, Linnasa 20 Cleric, Aurie 20 Ranger, Dojie 18 Ranger, 1 rogue, 1 monk, Jadis 20 Sorc, Crane 20 Monk, NoCure 20 FvS