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Thread: Obama Just Won

  1. #121
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default i think you are safe

    unless you make over $250,000 per year

    then you might pay some more taxes, but i think you will be able to afford it

    as to gas, please get a clue

    Quote Originally Posted by Verlock View Post
    we have freedom right now in 3 months once obama takes over he has said tax's will go up and gas prices need to be $10 a gallon so we save gas what about trucks keep us alive if they cant aford too drive we die

  2. #122
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default keep Bush

    holy mackeral

    Bush 2 will go down as the worst President in modern history

    what a dope

    "Hey, Condy! Did you find those WMD's yet? I want to know before I get back from playing with Barney on the Front Lawn."

    Quote Originally Posted by Jopin View Post
    Keep Bush!?!?! Yeah I 'disagre'.

    'Nuff said.

    (and I'm old enough to remember where that quote came from...)

    Honestly, Senator McCain had a superb concession speech. But Senator Obama's "victory speech" brought me to tears.

  3. #123
    Community Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    unless you make over $250,000 per year

    then you might pay some more taxes, but i think you will be able to afford it

    as to gas, please get a clue
    Are you kidding? When the Bush tax cuts expire in January 2010 ALL taxes go up across the board and Obama said he intends on letting it expire. And when has a Democrat in the last 60 years EVER given the people a tax cut? But the obama-sheeple are gonna LOVE it when their kids are working in the government tractor factory...the man is a socialist. Taking from those that have money to give to those without, spreading the wealth around?

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his need...

    Problem is, those with money will just pack up shop and hide the cash and wait the storm out until this 'experiment' in socialism goes by the wayside. IF the people don't wakeup in the next two years...this is gonna be a rough decade or two.

    Imagine for a moment, the USSR but built on a foundation of an Imperialistic/World Police type of peoples. You think the US has pushed its form of Democracy on the rest of the world for the last 40+ wait for the REAL socialists to worm their way to the top. Marx and Engel’s were the thinkers(among other things) but it took Lenin and then Stalin to REALLY take it to that glorious next level. And THAT’S what I am afraid of...not Obama the socialist...he and his lot are just the 'gate-keepers'. I'm afraid of the one that follows.

    "The rich in america are under the false and misguided notion that just because they have money they are ENTITLED to keep it..." Thats the view of the far left social democrats...just wow.

    I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I don’t think you realize that what you heard was not entirely what I meant.

  4. #124
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aeneas View Post
    finger Pointing Leads To Word Eating At A Later Date When It Comes To Politics.

    Neither Side Is Particularly Delightful Nor Without Blame For The State We Find Ourselves In.

    There's A Dem Majority Across The Board Now - Anybody Want To Bet Me A Million Dollars That Just Because They're Not Republicans They Won't Make Any Mistakes?

    Celebrity And Greener Grass Has Seriously Disillusioned A Vast Majority Of This Country. For The Good Of The Union, He Needs To Make A Big Mistake Early And Shake Some Of This Expectation Of Perfection And Magnificent Change That's Built Up Over The Past Year. Politics In This Country Don't Work That Way And Never Have.

    That Said, I Think He'll Be A Good President And I Hope At Least Some Of What He's Promised Makes It Through The Gauntlet Of Bureaucracy And Into The Real World And That He Manages To Remain Safe Throughout His Term.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  5. #125
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baranor View Post
    I have a hard time understanding these kinds of attitudes and opinions from the ppl and families of those serving in our armed forces, but first I'd just like to say that I hope your husband is safe and well.

    I assume you are aware that it was Jim Webb of Virginia and he democrats that pushed thru the new GI bill of rights that was opposed by both Bush and McCain.

    I assume also that you are aware that it was the democrats that got the MRAPs for the troops in Iraq. The Bush admin didn't want to but them because they were too expensive and took too long to make, after all why buy a truck that wont be delivered until after you said the war would be over. That would require admitting that the war would last longer than they said it would.

    I met a guy a few years ago in Penn driving a truck now after 20 yrs(retired) from the navy, he told me as far as he was concerned Bill Clinton was the best president we ever had for one simple reason. Clinton signed the largest pay raise the military ever got, some ppl call that pork.
    I can understand where military personnel can think a Democrat in office means paycuts/job loss.

    I was in the Army reserve from 1991-1998 and in 1992, Bill Clinton was elected into office.

    My first annual training was in California (my reserve center was in Warren, OH) and it was a great experience for me, learned a LOT, got to see a LOT (of desert :P) and felt good about the US Military.

    The next year, my unit was scheduled to go to Cairo Egypt for training, due to my MOS (Automated Logistics, and Fuel Supply) that was a great opportunity to learn multi-lingual cooperation of military units, and supply (which was happening in The Gulf War I) BUT......

    Bill Clinton started passing Military spending cuts to "...balance the budget..." and as a result, I didnt get to go to Cairo, rather, spent the next two years cleaning out reserve centers all over NE Ohio, because they were getting shut down.

    Promotions were non-existent, and a lot of reservists were pretty much allowed to leave if they were willing to take an "other than honorable" discharge.

    It was very sad, I was very angry, and I blamed Clinton for a LONG time because of it.

    With that in mind.....

    From what I have heard Barack Obama state, and what I feel he is sincere about, is that he will tighten up the excess shoestrings of the government, find funding that is being misused elsewhere, and make the US government a leaner, meaner machine. That means huge budget cuts might only become small budget cuts, and necessary govt organizations (medicare, Social Security, etc.) will stay the same, and possibly improve.

    I am NOT for paying an underserving person's way, (I think US citizens should have required military time to spend like other countries already do) but I'd like to see government institutions start being leaner, and meaner, and more efficient.

    I think Barack is going to get that to begin to happen.

    I wish the McCain of 2000 was running for Pres, I might have voted for him, but McCain 2008 looked like Bush for another four years, not because of how they think similarily, but because of how I saw McCain cow-tow to the far right, in order to get the nomination. Total sell-out of his ideals he had in his earlier philosophies, and even though I DEEPLY respect McCain for his service and sacrifices, I hold my head low for what he has become.

    That's why I voted for Barack.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  6. #126
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingfish View Post
    Are you kidding? When the Bush tax cuts expire in January 2010 ALL taxes go up across the board and Obama said he intends on letting it expire. And when has a Democrat in the last 60 years EVER given the people a tax cut? But the obama-sheeple are gonna LOVE it when their kids are working in the government tractor factory...the man is a socialist. Taking from those that have money to give to those without, spreading the wealth around?

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his need...

    Problem is, those with money will just pack up shop and hide the cash and wait the storm out until this 'experiment' in socialism goes by the wayside. IF the people don't wakeup in the next two years...this is gonna be a rough decade or two.

    Imagine for a moment, the USSR but built on a foundation of an Imperialistic/World Police type of peoples. You think the US has pushed its form of Democracy on the rest of the world for the last 40+ wait for the REAL socialists to worm their way to the top. Marx and Engel’s were the thinkers(among other things) but it took Lenin and then Stalin to REALLY take it to that glorious next level. And THAT’S what I am afraid of...not Obama the socialist...he and his lot are just the 'gate-keepers'. I'm afraid of the one that follows.

    "The rich in america are under the false and misguided notion that just because they have money they are ENTITLED to keep it..." Thats the view of the far left social democrats...just wow.
    The reason Barack said he is going to let it expire, is because the tax cuts are primarily for teh top %5.

    When the poor/low-income get all of their tax money back, and the top 5% get tax cuts and tax write-offs that effectively make their taxes they pay IN around 11% (second lowest in the world), who do you think the tax burden will fall to?

    The middle class.

    Barack has stated he is going to legislate a NEW tax cut bill, that will keep tax cuts for the poor/low-income, but instead of giving tax cuts to the top 5%, instead, give it to the middle class (he determined the cutoff to be >$250,000 for middle class). The only people losing out are the top 5%.

    For those who are making more than $250k/year (taxable income BTW) they only pay the additional taxes on the overage, so "Coyle the death insurance salesman" makes $300,000/year, he only pays the additional tax on the $50,000 extra over $250,000.

    Those who have money will still spend it, to keep their investments going, whether it's stocks/bonds, companies, factories, etc. They still get opportunities to take tax breaks for equipment purchased, employees paid, and other tax write-offs. they just wont get the additional tax cuts, it will instead go to the middle class, that NEEDS it.

    Mr. Rich would LIKE another Leer Jet so he doesnt have to use his east coast Jet in California, but instead, 100 working families can now save up for their house, or fix their car, or go to school.

    Barack just got elected, he doesnt even get into power officially until sworn in, and already as news around the world heard about it, things have begun changing.

    Cannot deny it, Barack getting elected was a good thing.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  7. #127
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    I thought RR gave the military the largest raise we got 11% under him in one year. I belive if you havent been in the military you shouldnt be Commander in Chief, but thats just my view.
    Personally, I like a person who leads from the front, makes me think he's with me, and not telling me from the rear, but a president also has to be a great leader (which military makes you, but it's not exclusive to just military people) and he has to be a great project manager.

    Project Manager: A person who manages a project, hires the personnel with the skills needed to complete their "piece" of the project, and manages all of those "pieces" to make sure it is done within the Scope, on time, under budget, and correctly.

    I dont need Barack to jump out of an airplane, land on an aircraft carrier, or cut anyone's neck with a "Rambo" knife, I need someone with a plan, and a way to get the people around him that will get it done.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  8. #128
    Community Member Bebopalula's Avatar
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    What does QFT mean?

    Sorry, when I was growing up FTW was Free the Whites or F(cough) the World, FO was F(cough) Off and 4/20 was someone's birthday - spelling was also important

    I had a lot to learn when I crossed over to nerdtopia, still learning.

    About this thread - I have my opinions but I learned to keep them to myself or other like-minded people.
    Bebopalula, Typhoidmary, Relicor, Darksendy.
    Southern Tenants Farmers Union
    You can make me play with the others but I will not like it.

  9. #129
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bebopalula View Post
    What does QFT mean?

    Sorry, when I was growing up FTW was Free the Whites or F(cough) the World, FO was F(cough) Off and 4/20 was someone's birthday - spelling was also important

    I had a lot to learn when I crossed over to nerdtopia, still learning.

    About this thread - I have my opinions but I learned to keep them to myself or other like-minded people.
    It's cool, it means Quoted for Truth
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  10. #130
    Founder akla_thornfist's Avatar
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    i voted for mccain but obama won fair and square so its time to get behind are new leader. times are bad the only way to make them good is to stand together
    akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable

  11. #131
    Community Member Bebopalula's Avatar
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    See you can teach an old bully new tricks
    Bebopalula, Typhoidmary, Relicor, Darksendy.
    Southern Tenants Farmers Union
    You can make me play with the others but I will not like it.

  12. #132
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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    I voted Obama, and I'm very proud that our nation is creeping past the racial bigotry that has been prevalent in our history for generations. Obama won with the 18-29 and 30-45 age ranges. I'm glad to see that there are still people who hope for a better future, and voted for someone who is promising changes and actually already has an impressive political background to support those changes. Take for instance Obama's campaign funding, he took 0 tax payer dollars, his campaign was driven 100% from donations. McCain on the other hands spent 70+ million dollars of tax payer dollars on his campaign which could have been put to much better use elsewhere. To me that speaks volumes as to which one has the best interests of the American people in mind. The president serves the people, the people DO NOT serve the president.

  13. #133
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verlock View Post
    we have freedom right now in 3 months once obama takes over he has said tax's will go up and gas prices need to be $10 a gallon so we save gas what about trucks keep us alive if they cant aford too drive we die
    Trust me Verlock, you're not anywhere near a bracket that will increase. Those people are educated.
    M O R T A L V O Y A G E
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  14. #134
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    Default Bush the Best Ever!

    Bush was the best president Ever! I voted for Ob, but really how bad do you have to screw up to get someone with the name of Hussein in the white house after 9/11? Sure the economy collapsed, the Foreign Affairs is in ruins, we are in a war with no definite end in sight, But he also decimated the Republican Party and helped Elect the nations First African American President. He cant be all bad!
    “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu

  15. #135
    Community Member Kerrn_Siff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alcides View Post
    I voted Obama, and I'm very proud that our nation is creeping past the racial bigotry that has been prevalent in our history for generations. Obama won with the 18-29 and 30-45 age ranges. I'm glad to see that there are still people who hope for a better future, and voted for someone who is promising changes and actually already has an impressive political background to support those changes. Take for instance Obama's campaign funding, he took 0 tax payer dollars, his campaign was driven 100% from donations. McCain on the other hands spent 70+ million dollars of tax payer dollars on his campaign which could have been put to much better use elsewhere. To me that speaks volumes as to which one has the best interests of the American people in mind. The president serves the people, the people DO NOT serve the president.
    I believe that was so Osama wouldn't be constrained by the limits put on spending the matching campaign funds from the government.

    Yeah that does speak volumes, ie: why play fair?

    Also the only ones who seemed obsessed with race are the Obama supporters themselves.

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  16. #136
    Community Member Reverand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verlock View Post
    may as well use freedom of speach well we still have it
    Freedom Of Speech.

    You have the right to say what ever you want on the street or on your own forum with out GOVERNMENT intervention. It's not the right to violate turbines terms of service. Using some one ELSES forums that specifically says NO POLITICAL POSTING is just like spray painting a hate crime symbol on a church. Is THAT freedom of speech too? I think not.

    Also... and this is a small thing. SPEECH is not spelled with an 'a'. It just goes to show what staying in school is all about.
    Last edited by Reverand; 11-05-2008 at 08:47 AM.

  17. #137
    Community Member thatguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post

    With A LOT of help from the media. Options for possible countries of residence are New Zealand or Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
    The loot gods are jerks.
    Coming Soon!

    Bring back the WDA!

  18. #138
    Founder Lehrman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    I've got 2 things to say to this.

    You will always have your freedom of speech because your military will never let another soverignty take your rights away. I'm part of that military, I promise we'll all die for you before you have to answer to another country's will.

    Secondly, you are clearly violating the Code of Conduct on a PRIVATE FORUM. This was supposed to be an announcement thread and you've already thrown the gauntlet with the rash words I've read tonight. This thread will be locked in the morning, if not sooner. If you want to spread dissent, spread it on a forum that encourages this or create your own.

    The rules are here for a reason.

    Also, neither my current Commander In Chief, nor my Commander In Chief-Ellect will allow your values to be stripped and require you to wear a turbin.

    The United States of America is unique, diverse and unified. That very statement allows you to wear whatever you want on your head.
    Well said!

  19. #139
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy View Post
    With A LOT of help from the media. Options for possible countries of residence are New Zealand or Australia.
    I'm not getting into this thread's "taboo topic" anymore, but an interesting side note for moving to Australia: You're required to have more than a million dollars in assets and meet other stringent requirements to become a permenant citizen (ie apply). Now you could live there all your life, but some benefits of being an Oz or Kiwi will never apply to you if you cannot meet the requirements.

    My friend's aunt & uncle didn't meet the economic surplus to become citizens in Ausstralia (1MIL+)

    And a doctor that worked (owned practice) for 10 years in Australia was denied based on his son's disability (handicapped) quote, "He would be a drain on Australia's Economy" even though the Doctor was easily worth a few million in assets.

    So... America really is the land of opportunity. I'm proud to be an American.

  20. #140
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quanefel View Post
    Please do not try to compare him to George Washington. They are in no way similar.
    Well as of January 20th 2009, they were both presidents...
    one is first, one is last...
    They both got to stick it in the first lady?

    Quote Originally Posted by baddax View Post
    Bush was the best president Ever! I voted for Ob, but really how bad do you have to screw up to get someone with the name of Hussein in the white house after 9/11? Sure the economy collapsed, the Foreign Affairs is in ruins, we are in a war with no definite end in sight, But he also decimated the Republican Party and helped Elect the nations First African American President. He cant be all bad!
    I <3 Bush, after both of his previous elections my brother and I joked about how we hoped there wouldnt be too much damage before he left office....
    /TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge

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