Just an idea and realize before you post it won't be for everyone and will in no way hinder the current state.
Idea: Start a new server, no toon transfers allowed.
Premise: A server for a fresh start, loot has meaning again and the content will gain flavor as it can't be zerg'ed by over the top mega rich toons. (i.e I probably fall into that category)
Advantages: Allows new players to start on an equal footing. Allows those of us that have been playing for 3 years to test our skills without the aid of vorpals, wop rapiers and race restricted newbie gear for our lowbies. For you founders, remember when having "ONE" vorpal in the party was awesome!
Disadvantages: I'm not sure what it would cost Turbine to add another server, but with new hardware added recently, they may have the capacity without much if any material cost. i.e. I don't think it would take much on Turbines part and an opportunity to increase ROI. Plus it may actually draw new players into the game easier boosting their player base as a whole.
Yeah, eventually this new server will become just like the rest, but for a while it would be really cool and new. I see the return on the investment as a real positive for Tubine so a win/win, especially for those of us wanting some new flavor in the game. For those not interested, they can stay on their current servers, no harm done.
Ok, please flame away or give your input.