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  1. #1
    Community Member tman's Avatar
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    Default Server Idea

    Just an idea and realize before you post it won't be for everyone and will in no way hinder the current state.

    Idea: Start a new server, no toon transfers allowed.

    Premise: A server for a fresh start, loot has meaning again and the content will gain flavor as it can't be zerg'ed by over the top mega rich toons. (i.e I probably fall into that category)

    Advantages: Allows new players to start on an equal footing. Allows those of us that have been playing for 3 years to test our skills without the aid of vorpals, wop rapiers and race restricted newbie gear for our lowbies. For you founders, remember when having "ONE" vorpal in the party was awesome!

    Disadvantages: I'm not sure what it would cost Turbine to add another server, but with new hardware added recently, they may have the capacity without much if any material cost. i.e. I don't think it would take much on Turbines part and an opportunity to increase ROI. Plus it may actually draw new players into the game easier boosting their player base as a whole.

    Yeah, eventually this new server will become just like the rest, but for a while it would be really cool and new. I see the return on the investment as a real positive for Tubine so a win/win, especially for those of us wanting some new flavor in the game. For those not interested, they can stay on their current servers, no harm done.

    Ok, please flame away or give your input.


  2. #2
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    I have to admit a part of me likes the idea, it can be overwhelming as a new player trying to keep up with the Jones on established servers and I know ive already fallen into the mind frame of "got to have this to be effective" its affected most of my new builds now. I also never realized how much fun it was to start out with nothing and have to build you way up till I started playing on Risia, its been a blast signing on there knowing that everything I have on my girl so far I worked hard and took lumps for. Not knocking my main server love it but things did go fast, got a lot of stuff handed to me, and now know what to have on my girls and can get it pretty easy now. But on the preview server you really have to work hard to get your character up there and ive been enjoying it. So if they did this id definately roll up a character just for the different change of pace, then when Im tired of the limited money and gear id go back to playing my main girls and have fun that way.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    It would be cool, and I would log on there. I would hope they could tweek the loot tables though so that first +1 weapon means something!
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

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  4. #4
    Community Member Korvek's Avatar
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    The only real problem I see with this is that it won't exactly solve anything unless the entire game was tweaked just for that server.

    In one year the exact same problem would exist for new players going to that server.

    Another question though: There are no character transfers to that server, but would transfers from that server be allowed?

  5. #5
    Community Member tman's Avatar
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    I've tried playing toons with no twinking and perma death, but it is hard to manage this without *everyone* also doing the same unless you have a pure static group participating.

    A fresh start server would bring the economics back in line to what I think the developers intended. (My opinion). Give new players opportunity to compete right off the bat, and give veterans the opportunity to see the game from a different perspective.

    Ok, not everyone will want to *give up* all their gear and start over, but I wager there are a BUNCH of you who would want to bring the excitement of opening the treasure chest. Right now I bypass treasure chests at low levels as I know I have gear waiting for my lowbie once he/she reaches the next level that is much better than anything I'll find in that chest. I wager there are a bunch of you who want to relive the first few months of DDO when it first came out. Sure, you'll know the content, but the game will be vastly different if you can slam through the missions duel weilding vorpals at level 10.

    The only downside is if Turbine can't swing it from a hardware or operations perspective. I really can't imagine they don't have the capacity, and I also think they can grow their base and see some growth from the idea. So from a business perspective they really don't have much to lose, and potientally a lot to gain from this idea. If it fails to launch, they can fold it into another server pretty easily.


  6. #6
    Community Member tman's Avatar
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    The only real problem I see with this is that it won't exactly solve anything unless the entire game was tweaked just for that server.

    Tweaked in what way?

    In one year the exact same problem would exist for new players going to that server.

    Agree. But a year is a long time and hopefully we see more content and level cap increases. Imagine if the game launched with all the content we have now...
    Another question though: There are no character transfers to that server, but would transfers from that server be allowed?

    I don't see why not. The idea is to keep the new server free of "old" gear and gold.

  7. #7
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    The easiest way to keep up with the Joneses is to realize that's there's no reason to do so.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ringos View Post
    It would be cool, and I would log on there. I would hope they could tweek the loot tables though so that first +1 weapon means something!
    I would love masterwork to mean something for at least a couple of levels

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
    Community Member tman's Avatar
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    In those first 6 months after DDO went live, masterwork and +1 weapons did mean something. I remember finding my first POP X, and thinking I was now on Sorceror heaven. Back then, magi items were very rare. I remember when only a couple players on the whole server had vorpals and you knew who they were and wanted them in your group. It was a different awesome experience, and my idea was generated off the thought that everyone should get to share that experience with DDO. Maybe not feasible, but worth asking...


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tman View Post
    In those first 6 months after DDO went live, masterwork and +1 weapons did mean something. I remember finding my first POP X, and thinking I was now on Sorceror heaven. Back then, magi items were very rare. I remember when only a couple players on the whole server had vorpals and you knew who they were and wanted them in your group. It was a different awesome experience, and my idea was generated off the thought that everyone should get to share that experience with DDO. Maybe not feasible, but worth asking...

    I was there and I really dont think masterwork or +1 meant a thing after the first month and thats to bad.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  11. #11
    Community Member Kadagan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tman View Post
    Just an idea and realize before you post it won't be for everyone and will in no way hinder the current state.

    Idea: Start a new server, no toon transfers allowed.

    Premise: A server for a fresh start, loot has meaning again and the content will gain flavor as it can't be zerg'ed by over the top mega rich toons. (i.e I probably fall into that category)

    Advantages: Allows new players to start on an equal footing. Allows those of us that have been playing for 3 years to test our skills without the aid of vorpals, wop rapiers and race restricted newbie gear for our lowbies. For you founders, remember when having "ONE" vorpal in the party was awesome!

    Disadvantages: I'm not sure what it would cost Turbine to add another server, but with new hardware added recently, they may have the capacity without much if any material cost. i.e. I don't think it would take much on Turbines part and an opportunity to increase ROI. Plus it may actually draw new players into the game easier boosting their player base as a whole.

    Yeah, eventually this new server will become just like the rest, but for a while it would be really cool and new. I see the return on the investment as a real positive for Tubine so a win/win, especially for those of us wanting some new flavor in the game. For those not interested, they can stay on their current servers, no harm done.

    Ok, please flame away or give your input.

    Love the idea... may actually bring a spark back. But toning down the loot tables but not the mobs would be a good idea. I'd also remove min lev requirements to allow more legacy.

    Ie... lev 5's should have a fair chance at obtaining a +1 longsword. Not every level 5 has a +2 flaming kopesh of righteousness.
    Last edited by Kadagan; 11-04-2008 at 12:43 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    In case you missed the memo, the term Johnson is now off-limits.

  12. #12
    Community Member zavozod's Avatar
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    Default I like it

    Start it up...

  13. #13


    I like it!

    Then again, I've done it on Sarlona already and Khyber (then I transferred one of my clerics over guess that doesn't count)

    But I like that Idea. And it would be a great place for meeting Forumites in-game. And group meetings, if we ever had them again.

    Restriction: You have to have a toon pass level 10 on any server to be able to log in.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  14. #14
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tman View Post
    Advantages: Allows new players to start on an equal footing. Allows those of us that have been playing for 3 years to test our skills without the aid of vorpals, wop rapiers and race restricted newbie gear for our lowbies. For you founders, remember when having "ONE" magic weapon in the party was awesome!
    fixed it for ya.. that first weekend, we all were wearing and using whatever dropped from chests.. my founding fighter didn't get a magic sword until he was level3 (or was it 4?) - and that dropped in STK, not even the Harbor.

  15. #15
    Community Member tman's Avatar
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    It would take some time to get to Monty Haul syndrome, but agree it would happen eventually. But that is a total game issue and another topic. This idea only really acts like a server wipe but without destroying anything done previously by loyal customers. But to keep the integrity of the server we couldn't allow anything from the veteran servers to transfer over.

    I wouldn't put any requirements on this new server either, as I would think we would want to encourage new players to play on it. Why? We as the DDO community would appreciate an increase to the player base, so Turbine can invest more money in programming, content, etc... (Assuming they would re-invest it of course).

    This idea doesn't solve all the problems, just gives players a fresh look at the game for awhile if they choose to log on, and it gives new players an equal footing for at least a short period of time.

    Would like to hear from a developer as to feasibility? If it isn't really in the realm of possibilities, we could end the discussion.


  16. #16
    Community Member gfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tman View Post
    Idea: Start a new server, no toon transfers allowed.

    Premise: A server for a fresh start, loot has meaning again and the content will gain flavor as it can't be zerg'ed by over the top mega rich toons. (i.e I probably fall into that category)

    Advantages: Allows new players to start on an equal footing. Allows those of us that have been playing for 3 years to test our skills without the aid of vorpals, wop rapiers and race restricted newbie gear for our lowbies. For you founders, remember when having "ONE" vorpal in the party was awesome!

    I agree entirely, it is difficult for newer players to get a similar group together so that they can experience the new quests (without someone zerging ahead in them, which is a common complaint among newer people). The problem is, the game needs to be growing in order for this to be viable, and i am not sure that it is (it sure doesn't seem to be growing very much on my server anyways).

    I once tried WOW (for about 4 hours before I disliked it.. mainly due to the oversimplified game play and combat mechanisms). The one thing that was good about the game was the server joining options at the beginning which listed server "style": things like PVP server, RP, etc etc, and also listed server populations. Several servers (presumeably the older ones) were listed as "full", however there were several servers listed as low population that would be ideal for new players. As long as a game is growing, this sort of system would likely work (imo). I think that DDO has a long way to go in terms of marketing before additional servers would be merited.
    <Sarlona>Leafy - ranger , Ingvild - fighter, Backk - rogue, Dahgnabbit - warlock , Reinheits - cleric, <Lost Legion>

  17. #17
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Server: DDO Hardcore
    Rule set: Extremely Decreased loot drops..
    Incompacitaded(i can't spell that word) characters can res a shrines, dead characters are dead..

    and if i read them implementing this at work, i would have to wait 10 minutes to stand up at my desk to keep from suffering the embarrassment.
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  18. #18
    Community Member xynxie's Avatar
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    Default It would be a grind but....

    personally I would love a server with no auction House and all loot items if ya don't share em in quest by flipping an item to another player, its vendor fodder.....plat would be very limited, thus the grind, however well balanced parties and cooperation would be a result and less zerging as resources would be limited.
    Shoogie 18/2 FTR/Rog 4th life, Shoogietwo,20FVS, Tredius 20 MONK 2nd life, Murlocke 20 SORC, Tracius 20FVS, Marlieus 20 BARD, Cratius 20 RNGR 2nd life, Junktrunktwo 15Wiz 2nd life, Tracius 13 CLR 2nd life....1 toon player....needs a life

  19. #19
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    I love this idea. I recently started over on Argo because I had max characters on my main server. Restarting has been a blast, and I'd love to see a new server where everyone is on a level playing field.

    There was a time when I'd be the guy competing to be the first to cap, but life had kept me busy. I only have a few hours per week to play now, but the concept it great.

    I would not limit the server to "vets" only, but I would make it like Risia. Make you have to download a client or something before you play on it, so new players can decide for themselves.

  20. #20
    Community Member ThrasherGT's Avatar
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    C'mon, People, This is a good idea! (I like My Yearly idea, Too)

    Let's see if We can get this one in!
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