Except you can do them all at once
To be honest while I see this gripe Im not sure it will be that bad - I have burnt a lot of runes so far and don't have any of the specific modifiers I want, but the reality is that I'm quickly reaching the point where statistics would have suggested it'd have happened by now - I've rolled +6 to 3 different stats (just not ones I can put on my armor) and have started repeating effects on tier 1 entirely, just haven't quite rolled that one .. there's just not so many effects on each level that it'll be THAT hard, especially considering how easy it is to get them and, eventually, once even half your friends have something partially done, I mean..
I have a guildie who has his tier 1 done, so every time we run monestayr or kobold he gives me his runes, won't be long before I can do the same, etc
Once this system is in place and someone starts a new item, it is pretty realistic to imagine them going on a flagging run with friends/guildies and leaving the monestary with 12 eldritch runes to go roll it up.
Repeat that one or two times and you're ognna get your modifier.
Run the series just one time and you have everythng you need for a new set of armor and tier three upgrade. Compare that to getting shroud ready, grinding for green steel ingredients, grinding for small, medium, large ingredients and power shards.
I built a Sundering Ooze Guard item in a single day that would have taken weeks in the Shroud. Personally I think the randomness is a lot of fun and a refreshing change froim the Shroud type of crafting.
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank