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  1. #1
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Default Suggestion Give Collectable bags & Gem bags easier

    Yes you do get these two items free, but in the NPE, I had to ask where there were. They aren't given to you To my knowledge via any quests early on, but when you get off the island, the npc next too the shipdude back to the island, gives you one of each bag.. Anywho.. Make it easier on the new player, collectables fill your inventory fast, it would be a nice way to help the new player out.. give it to them when they finish the non-favor first quest and/or when they hit the "skip tutorial" button. I assume this has been suggested somewhere, but alas.. I"m playing DDO for a change, i don't feel like reading all these posts..

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  2. #2
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    I did not see any collectibles drop during the NPE quests. Didn't see any to gather from other sources either.

    Then again, I view collecting as stupid and think its addition to the game is mostly a waste of time and inventory space for very little real reward. Means I don't look very hard.

  3. #3
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leyoni View Post
    I did not see any collectibles drop during the NPE quests. Didn't see any to gather from other sources either.

    Then again, I view collecting as stupid and think its addition to the game is mostly a waste of time and inventory space for very little real reward. Means I don't look very hard.
    Confirmed, NO Collectables drop AT ALL on Korthos Island.

    I will be sure to updated me list later this week, with information and the name of the person who gives you the two small bags as soon as you reach Stormreach, I just haven't had time since Wednesday to do so, real life and all that.

  4. #4
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Yup, no collectables on newbie island, probably to limit the number of things you need to worry about. Therefore giving out bags on the island would be confusing.

    As you get ready to board the boat the NPC tells you to talk to the bag lady as soon as you get off. No sympathy for those who can't read.

    Even if you don't read, she is litterally standing in front of you as you get to stormreach, shouldn't you talk to the brand new NPC right in front of you? Once again, no sympathy if you ignore what they put in your face.

    I think the new approach to bags is fine and its a lot more obvious than say the bounty bags.

  5. #5
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steiner-Davion View Post
    Confirmed, NO Collectables drop AT ALL on Korthos Island.
    Not quite true. At least on Risia.

    On Risia I picked up a few collectables from corpses, especially undead. They are pretty rare though. I agree that there are no items that you can click for a colectable, and most of the enemies don't drop them.

    It actually made me kind of sad because I usually picked up enough mushrooms to keep me stocked with healing potions until I'm done with the Harbor and enough remove disease potions to last forever. The masterwork armor oftn gave me a nice set of armor to start with or a good source of cash. And the lesser reptilian bane weapons are great.

    Unfortunately, the later collectables are generally less useful. The good ones are rare and most of the others are underpowered. By the time I've killed enough outsiders to get an +1 Lesser outsider bane weapon, I generally have a half dozen weapons that will work better.

  6. #6
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    ahh.. i did the noob quest 3 times and missed her all 3, my point was to make it easier for people to "notice her" like make a travel quest.. not for me, but for newer players.. it's a cosmetic issue that would benifit a "new" player,and since this update is alot about the "New player experience" i would say it's fitting, dispite people thinking..well if you don't read.. come'on!
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  7. #7
    Community Member Vivanto's Avatar
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    Dont need those bags on the island at all, there arent any collectables. I think shes in a good place for it, one of the first 2 NPCs you see in stormreach, easy to notice with the big symbol above her head.

  8. #8
    Community Member Vivanto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honkuimushi View Post
    It actually made me kind of sad because I usually picked up enough mushrooms to keep me stocked with healing potions until I'm done with the Harbor and enough remove disease potions to last forever. The masterwork armor oftn gave me a nice set of armor to start with or a good source of cash. And the lesser reptilian bane weapons are great.
    In Korthos I could keep me stocked on pots from the starter you can loot in several quests. You get a free masterwork armor after the Grotto (or when skipping it) since you dont need reptilian banes on the island, you get a monstrous humanoid bane weapon of choice instead (Sahuagin). So I think its all covered pretty well.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by honkuimushi View Post
    Not quite true. At least on Risia.
    Sort of immaterial isn't it? The complaint deals with live content and there aren't collectibles in the live content -- or if there are they are so unusual that not having the bags doesn't matter. Same for gem bags. I ran 3 characters thru the entire tutorial and new quests line and only had 2 gems drop from breakables. Did not really stretch may carrying capacity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadz View Post
    ahh.. i did the noob quest 3 times and missed her all 3, my point was to make it easier for people to "notice her" like make a travel quest.. not for me, but for newer players.. it's a cosmetic issue that would benifit a "new" player,and since this update is alot about the "New player experience" i would say it's fitting, dispite people thinking..well if you don't read.. come'on!
    So, the lady with the big green cup shaped "come complete your quest for an end reward" symbol over her head totally escaped you and you figure it is Turbine's responsibility to fix your vision problems?

    One thing is true, however. If you start a new character and skip the tutorial so that you end in the second Korthos instance and then go straight from there into Stormreach then you do not get the quest to speak to the NPC and you don't get an indicator that you should. OTOH, if you've done the quest line once and can't figure that part out yourself then shame on you.

  10. #10
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leyoni View Post

    So, the lady with the big green cup shaped "come complete your quest for an end reward" symbol over her head totally escaped you and you figure it is Turbine's responsibility to fix your vision problems?
    Aye i never got the quest on any of the characters.. which brings me to another issue i noticed, the quests aren't always turning quest dungons from red to green (as in you have the quest to enter) but still let you in to complete the chain..

    Maybe that who problem i'm noticing is the fact that the quest "markers" on npc's aren't showing up in the new content 100% of the time.. i've done a rogue a fighter, and a cleric through the new content so far.. and not once has Mary had a green marker over her head, or have i been given a quest to see her...

    Which brings me back to my original point, they should do something about this, because you want to give someone a good impression w/ the NPE, which i for one have for the fun factor, just the tiny bits of quest progression need to be tuned up.
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    My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.

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