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  1. #61
    Community Member Mindspat's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Jadeare View Post
    Our Dragon Touched Armor options now are:

    1. Wear leather and loose some AC to gain some of the new super cool, slot reducing, waited for months to see, effects.

    2. Wear Breastplate and loose evasion.

    3. Reroll your character. If you had this knowledge before hand you would have built differently. You can make better now.

    There is no armor here for an AC Evasion Tank. We already sacrifice AC and Build Points to have evasion. Now, to wear DT Armor, we sacrifice more.

    So Devs, if you had an evasion tank, what armor would you choose? Remember to consider you have been building this Evasion tank for three months and had no knowledge of what to come.
    Feel free to set me straight if i am wrong here.

    Be prepared to defend your statements.
    In your regards you built a Flavor of Three Months!

    If items don't work around your build then find a new way to play your character. This whole attitude of entitlement is getting quite old.

    I'll likely not be getting Dragon Touched armor either, but that is a choice and not an option. Regardless of this I'm sure I'll still be playing with the new content with people that enjoy the game and don't spend their time whining about the newest build that can't utilize every new item. Sheesh!
    "Nuke 'm or Die!"

  2. #62
    Community Member
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    Aug 2006


    Mindsplat: What armor are you wearing instead of trying to get DT armor?

    It seems that i have managed to turn popular opinion against me with my whining. Fair enough, I didn't intend for it to be whining, but hey call a spade a spade.

    I believe there is no reason for there not to be DT Chain Shirts.

    AC Characters are especially looking forward to new armor options and are very slot heavy atm I.E. Chat ring, Chaos Guard, Prot item.

    If anyone can put forward a reason why there shouldn't be a DT chain shirt, im ready to hear it.

    I can wait for a DT Chain Shirt, Just like to know that it is coming.
    Phoenix Crusaders Kobacious Kobs Kobie Anzac-Aundair Testcase Kobdog Inkobnito

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