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  1. #1
    Community Member Gennerik's Avatar
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    Default Planning (ahead).

    This is a slight rant, mostly question post.

    Why are is there only one type of armor each for the three levels of armor?

    I can understand only having Full Plate. Nobody that can wear heavy armor wears anything but Full Plate as long as there are mods that fit their character. But, lets talk about Medium and Light armors.

    Light Armor
    You have a large number of moderate Dexterity, Evasion characters that pretty much get no benefit out of the Dragontouched Armor because the only light armor is Leather Armor. Leather Armor is a very low AC, pretty high Dexterity armor, which most people don't wear if they plan on tanking anything. If you have a high Dexterity, then you pretty much wear the Icy Raiments, since being capped at an 8 Dexterity Modifier means that you lose out on 4+ AC due to capping. If you have a moderate Dexterity (20-28), you wear the Mithril Breastplate, since it actually maxes out your AC and Dexterity (with Enhancments). So having leather is probably nice for a Rogue, but not much else (Maybe some Rangers that weren't created to have a high AC). Please, please, please add a Chain Shirt. Then maybe we'd actually have a replacement for the Kundarak Delving Suit (At last!).

    Medium Armor
    Hide armor, anyone? Hello? Perhaps there should be some planning for the future in this. You've already got the models for Hide Armor, so at least one of them could be modified to look a little different. But from every Developer response about the subject, Druids are the next class to come. So then why aren't you putting in medium Druid armor now? It would certainly save you all the effort of revisiting it a year from now to throw it in to the pile, unless you think that all Druids are going to be high Dexterity builds that will love to use Leather Armor.... Come on. I know Druids will probably be late next year at the earliest, but wouldn't it be nice to actually have some of the gear in place now, so that you're not scambling to put it in while you're still working on the class?

    The idea behind the Dragontouched Armors is really nice, but I think the implementation leaves something to be desired. I'd really like to see a few more choices to reflect what is actually being played as well as what should be coming out in the future.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gennerik View Post
    So then why aren't you putting in medium Druid armor now? It would certainly save you all the effort of revisiting it a year from now to throw it in to the pile, unless you think that all Druids are going to be high Dexterity builds that will love to use Leather Armor....
    What makes you think Dragontouched armor will still be relevant once Druids come out?

  3. #3
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    What makes you think Dragontouched armor will still be relevant once Druids come out?
    Well it WILL be relevant until mod 26 when druids come out

  4. #4
    Community Member Gennerik's Avatar
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    Default Probably...

    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    What makes you think Dragontouched armor will still be relevant once Druids come out?
    It's probably the fact that the next module is supposed to raise the level cap to 20, meaning that more than likely the next major armor upgrade will have a level limit of 18-20. So unless we can craft our own incredible armors, we'll at least have Dragontouched Armor for a few levels before we can use the next named set of armor. And even if we can craft our own armor, if we're limited to only a prefix and suffix like most other armors, then the Dragontouched Armors will be better than most of what is readily craftable.

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