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Thread: Error 122

  1. #1
    Community Member Lunamaru's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Exclamation Error 122

    So, I've been looking through all of the threads about Error 122.

    It all has to do with Vista. **** Vista. Well, I did the whole User Account thing.

    That error went away, and until I got past all the downloading and the server was loaded up, it was ok!

    Then error 122 showed up.

    It says: "No suitable graphics device was found. Are you running through a remote session or a VM?"

    Now, I got a special edition Toshiba with an Intel Centrino processor, and I could play DDO on an old piece of junk and not on Vista. This SHOULDN'T be happening.

    I would like some help fixing this. I tried everything everybody else has said and none of it has worked. I really love my computer, please don't say I need to get XP. DX

  2. #2
    Customer Service Representative
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Can you please post a dxdiag, thanks.

  3. #3


    are u running on a pc/laptop with a graphics card that is built into the motherboard? ddo seems to not work with such graphics card
    If you want to know why...

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Its not Vista

    I am having this same problem and am running XP. I was playing this game fine for months, have made no changes to the computer Im using and it just suddently started doing this giving me the error message 122. I cannot find an answer either. I updated and am using all the current drivers. I exceed all the requirements for the game.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Unhappy no answer yet on vista error 122

    I have the same problem I am running 32 bit vista and recently upgraded to a nvidia GS 250 card and I still get the error message. I hope I don't have to redownload it took three days to get it dloaded and installed. But I have 1.5 MB download now so maybe it will take only a day [

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