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  1. #1
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Default Quit Changing Old Stuff

    So just about every mod they make minor modifications, and changes in difficulty to old stuff that we have run 2000 times. I have to confess it didn't make my 2001st time any more enjoyable. For example: Really does anyone give a wet fart if someone who piked picked up a set of Ventilated Bracers???

    And NPE? Sure do something for new players. Where are all these new players comong from then? You can't find a single GD box on the shelf of any gamestore, Target, Walmart, or electronics supercenter in town! But small thanks for making the next 2 hours of the next time we level something interesting I guess.

    My suggestion:
    Make a new raid, playable race, class, spells, feats, monsters, PrC/enhancements for classes that don't have them. Basically the stuff we hound you for day in and day out on the forums. Keep existing players happy.

    If you want to reach new players you will have to put a new package on the shelves (if you can even find the old one it is a smashed up copy on the bottom of the bargain bin). Online ads or articles linking to the trial wont work, do you have any idea how many of these types of ads gamers come across in a couple minutes of websurfing??? Too many to trial them all that's for sure.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    And NPE? Sure do something for new players. Where are all these new players comong from then? You can't find a single GD box on the shelf of any gamestore, Target, Walmart, or electronics supercenter in town! But small thanks for making the next 2 hours of the next time we level something interesting I guess.
    Just about a week or two ago there were over 30 new box's in local best buy near me that were not there before. And there are other posts on forums mentioning the same.

  3. #3
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    I enjoy the surprises that changes to old quests bring.
    H A R A H A R A - H A R A M A K I - H A R A S E K U
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  4. #4
    Community Member Baranor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boldarblood View Post
    Just about a week or two ago there were over 30 new box's in local best buy near me that were not there before. And there are other posts on forums mentioning the same.
    I was in best buy today...nothing, oh except LoTR. There were plenty of those.
    looking for a good frog

  5. #5
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    My suggestion:
    Make a new raid, playable race, class, spells, feats, monsters, PrC/enhancements for classes that don't have them. Basically the stuff we hound you for day in and day out on the forums. Keep existing players happy.
    All of these things take a lot more time, effort, and testing than it does to add new paint to the good ol' tried and true. And that is what most of the what the NPE is... a new coat of paint on some old walls. I think they did well with what they did in terms of the old quests; but I very much agree it is not as satisfying or as interesting as brand new content. The new island would have had a lot more impact for long-term players had all the quests been brand new ones - and left the Harbor alone.

    But, it's pretty obvious that DDO has nowhere near the Dev team it needs to make sizable new content in a timely fashion anymore. The days of Gianthold-type mods are far behind us. While I love the stuff in the Vale/Shroud mod, they are pretty anemic in terms of content when held up to GH. So, we wait longer and longer for less and less content. That is not opinion at this point - it'd a sad fact. We are not getting the new races, quests, spells, feats, features, other misc options we "day in and day out on the forums," because they can't. Or at least not in any pace beyond a slow and leisurely one. Hell, look at all the bugs that have popped up in less than a week of this most recent mod going live... and we waited how long for it - and watched how much of it's advertised features cut while we waited?

    That is not a slam on the Dev team, and I commend them for doing what they can with what they have... it's just a reality. The DDO Dev cycle seems to be spinning down, and the only evidance I can point to for why I say that is the back-half of 07 and all of 08.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


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