I would like to create some sort of compilation of the current state of monks now that Mod 8 is out. I think it will be helpful for me, but also hopefully for the devs as well, to have a consolidated list of the changes we like, the changes we don't like, and the changes we would still like to see.
Changes I am happy about:
- TWF works with unarmed strike. I am extremely happy about this. It was definitely needed. What I have yet to do is try and come up with some kind of detailed comparison between TWF unarmed, TWF with greensteel kamas, and ranger/fighter/barb DPS, simply to find out how far behind the curve we still our and to assess whether or not such a gap is acceptable considering the other monk bonuses (high AC, improved evasion, high saves, innate SR, etc).
- Wind Stance stacks with haste. I am also excited about this. When coupled with the TWF change above, I no longer feel like I am not living up to my monk's damage potential when I choose to don handwraps instead of kamas*.
Changes I am not happy about:
- Rise of the Phoenix is totally non-functional. I of course assume this is a bug, but it's frustrating at the same time. Its uses are definitely situational, but it's still just one more thing that can surprise raid leaders (from the aspect of getting that party member back in the fight, as well as taking some strain off of the cleric - both from spellpoints / $ and also allowing them to keep there attention on healing the rest of the group) and get them to bring me back a second time.
- 4 status ailment curing enhancements do not function on yourself. This is not a major complaint, but it still helps trim down the potion budget. It would at the very least be nice if we could get an idea on the timeline of when RotP and these will be fixed. This is a solid, what, 12 or more action points I could be using to play with and test other enhancements if these won't be fixed for at least a week.
Still waiting on:
- Handwrap effects. Unarmed TWF is certainly a step in the right direction, but *monks who choose to don handwraps are still crippled in the situations when DPS matters the most (ie raid bosses). I have not seen transmuting handwraps. My ghost touch handwraps still do not work. I have not seen any kind of bane or pure good wraps yet (although I'm not yet saying they're not in the loot tables as the mod has only been out a few days).
- Greensteel Weave Handwraps. See above.
- Combat Expertise and monk specials. I still lose Combat Expertise anytime I use a monk special or drink particular potions. Decreasing CE's cooldown from 30 seconds to 6 seconds certainly helps with this a little but, but it's still a pain in the hooha.
I imagine I will be adding to this list as I continue to play with my monk. Please feel free to share your input. Let me know what you like, don't like, and are still waiting on. Let me know if I'm stupid. All that good stuff.