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  1. #1
    Community Member bbqzor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Purple Collection Bags need Sparkle!

    Previously dropped collectables would sparkle endlessly until picked up, making them easy to quickly spot after killing a large swarm or otherwise intense fight. Now, with the new purple bags, they only sparkle for a brief moment when dropped. This makes it much, much harder to quickly scan the area for them after one fight before moving on to the next. The sparkle is gone before the mobs are dead, and isnt there to spot when things are clear. Especially in darker dungeons as the purple blends in with the ground and bodies very easily. Please make the purple bags sparkle endlessly, just like items from broken barrels still do, and as the old dropped collectables did. I find without the sparkle I miss many of them, or have to slow down considerably (slowing the group down as well) detracting from game play in order to search now. Thanks!
    Last edited by bbqzor; 10-30-2008 at 12:28 AM.

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