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  1. #1
    Community Member Im_Rob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default New Chat Channel : TheMarket

    I know some of you may have seen this already, but I thought that the best place to post it would be here where everyone is trading goods.

    Once you get ingame, and you don't wanna pay those danged exhorbitant AH fees, Think about joining my small comunity in TheMarket

    Its a User Chat channel, so just type /joinchannel TheMarket for access.

    We have regularily 20 users online ATM, and have had some sweet days of trading.

    This channel is accessable globaly, (like all user channels) and is a great way to hear about and get in touch with other players that feel like making a trade.

    Think about how this might change the way we play, and the amount of money that is getting sucked out of us at the AH.

    And its a little faster than using the forums!

    The more people in TheMarket, the more trades will be possible.

    Cheers and Welcome!

    Landronzuela Ella Guapa
    <Kings Blood>

  2. #2
    Community Member kaidendager's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Not a terrible idea, but as anyone who played any of the MMO fore-runners can tell you, there is alot of abuse that comes with this. IT ends up being a *press up, press enter, press up press enter* spam fest as you try to compete for advertising space.

    Furthermore the AH was originally designed as a bit of a money sink. Inflation was getting out of control (this was when a million plat was unheard of) and the fees were introduced to provide some semblence of meaning to the currency.

    Think of how much money is sunk in the AH every day...think about if it were kept in the economy

    edited for wording.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Not bad but like kaidendager would be a spam fest and you wouldn't sell a thing. Really look a WoW for that can't read anything because of all of the Plat Spammers....and really the AH in WoW isn't that bad over the one here in DDO and yes I do agree that the AH in DDO needs a few more Fliters in it to narrow down searches for items and what you really are looking for over seeing mindless over priced ****.

    Yet still this is wishful thinking that in the long run. May or may not happen but still life goes on and we just end up going to the uber hard quest to get the almost even more uberly harder item to get. That is how DDO goes.

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