I know some of you may have seen this already, but I thought that the best place to post it would be here where everyone is trading goods.

Once you get ingame, and you don't wanna pay those danged exhorbitant AH fees, Think about joining my small comunity in TheMarket

Its a User Chat channel, so just type /joinchannel TheMarket for access.

We have regularily 20 users online ATM, and have had some sweet days of trading.

This channel is accessable globaly, (like all user channels) and is a great way to hear about and get in touch with other players that feel like making a trade.

Think about how this might change the way we play, and the amount of money that is getting sucked out of us at the AH.

And its a little faster than using the forums!

The more people in TheMarket, the more trades will be possible.

Cheers and Welcome!

Landronzuela Ella Guapa
<Kings Blood>