Dispel, did you take a picture of the reflection of yourself in your turned off laptop screen? No mirrors? Are you a vampire??
Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~
Hello everyone. This is me 5 years old yay ^_^
- Hiyashi - Kiui - Swablu - Tsukimono - Xiaogou -
Playing whichever character still has inventory space.
Some time ago I married in game a man I had met through DDO, although we had not yet met in person. So, this is Lainith/Lainiana/Cassiekat and Soloartist(e).
when I'm not playing ddo....
My toons: Monk - http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/fatgurl/ * Wiz Palemaster - http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/palemiss/ * Pali/Cleric - http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/thorsky/ * Rogue - http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/stealz/ * I'll always be a noob at DDO.
Did i do you proud with this? Warrior Dash in a kilt baby!
- Sarlona: Sethus, Mirgat, Barranor, Vontran, Nefferrous, Keertan, Crixxuss
Member of Endgame
That's my boy!
Now ye need a proper caber (may God prevent her fae ever reading this).
Last edited by Chalhubard; 11-02-2011 at 02:56 PM.
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.
- Socrates in "Conversations of Socrates", Xenophon.