So since Ive been building over here on Sarlona, figured Id show who I be. Yes my mains still on Argo but been enjoyin the groups Ive found here, anyway...
Current Sarlona Toons
~Treasin~ 13 Rogue
~Domatheer~ 5 Rogue
So since Ive been building over here on Sarlona, figured Id show who I be. Yes my mains still on Argo but been enjoyin the groups Ive found here, anyway...
Current Sarlona Toons
~Treasin~ 13 Rogue
~Domatheer~ 5 Rogue
"Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who."
Argonnessen Active Toonage ~ Domatheer 28 ~4Tr~ Rogue | Riazia 27 ~2Tr~ Rogue - 1 Bard
Community Member
Starrfire, Hollyanna, Snyperneeta are just a few of mine
Imbedded pics on pg 45
Last edited by raneeta; 07-13-2012 at 06:58 PM.
"Of course women dont have to work as hard as men, we do it right the first time!"
Community Member
Sarlona Roving Guns
Bitsi ~ Lyriccal ~ Twynkerbelle ~ Cadaia ~ Marajayd ~ Morael ~ Vieirna ~ Karilth ~ Jevvy ~ Hvee ~ Djina ~ Moanah ~ Angeliccal ~ Leimei ~ Myriccal ~ Tyranniccal ~ Itsi ~ Imouto ~ Museiccal ~ Electriccal ~ Metalliccal ~ Popsiccal ~ Jeniece
"Of course women dont have to work as hard as men, we do it right the first time!"
Community Member
Okay my turn then. My name's Cassie. I've been playing DDO since it became free to play, primarily on Sarlona. My mains at the moment are Lainiana and Cassiekat, but I also play Sologirl, Lainith, Metalainith, Alikat and a smattering of others.
I'm often known as Solo's girl, and he took these photos during webcam calls.
At a work party, I'm the white dude thats chuggin' a pitcher.
Me and my daughter!
I'm 29.
Japanese lifestyle keeps me young.
It's great to see so many of the people I have run with!
Good times.
Last edited by Munesai; 04-01-2011 at 12:15 PM.
I figured I'd update the picture of me since the last one was taken at a weird angle while I was playing pool and was taken almost a year ago.
This was taken a few days ago while in Koh Samet, Thailand.
This was by far the clearest most beautiful water I have ever seen. I'll add a few of the sunset after I upload them to photobucket.
Last edited by Towrn; 04-03-2011 at 06:48 AM.
Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk
Chiyo & Sihn & Stray
• Hellbound Angels, Sarlona•
Gelbseele, Gelbsexy, Gelbstory, Gelbmystery, Gelbfrenzy, Gelbmusic, Gelbwise, Gelbilicious, Gelbshot
Gelb means "yellow".
Alectrona/Level 20/Cleric/Halfling/Female ~ Exavia/Level 20/Sorcerer/Drow/Female ~ Electronika/Level 18/2/Wizard/Monk/Warforged/Female
Hellacia/Level 13/2/Paladin/Monk/Halfling/Female ~ Previsible/Level 17/Bard/Half-Elf/Female