Alectrona/Level 20/Cleric/Halfling/Female ~ Exavia/Level 20/Sorcerer/Drow/Female ~ Electronika/Level 18/2/Wizard/Monk/Warforged/Female
Hellacia/Level 13/2/Paladin/Monk/Halfling/Female ~ Previsible/Level 17/Bard/Half-Elf/Female
People always tell me that they know me or that I look really familiar..maybe I am your half-half sister =p LOL
Guild Leader of Tel TeukiiraCailie TR 16 Assassin Rouge ~ Maslyn 6 Arcane Archer/ 3 Rouge ~ SaerTess 8 Fighter/1 Wizard ~ Loala 8 Fighter
Alectrona/Level 20/Cleric/Halfling/Female ~ Exavia/Level 20/Sorcerer/Drow/Female ~ Electronika/Level 18/2/Wizard/Monk/Warforged/Female
Hellacia/Level 13/2/Paladin/Monk/Halfling/Female ~ Previsible/Level 17/Bard/Half-Elf/Female
Cathrynn, 151650LJAN11
Kehgeld of Sarlona
Kehgeld of Sarlona
Just had our second son here as well Kehg. Congrats.
~Kjar of Sarlona - Leader of The Ghost Legion~
In Memory of Diashanak, you will be missed.
because on the Internet nobody knows your a dog.
the official home of LOLWUT and R.O.G.U.E !
Pointless/Frivolous/Beguiling/Justanotha Waste of Time, Katzklaw, Pickt d'Locks & etc
Q: how do you get me to appear in a thread? A: ask a bard question! XD
Congrats Tat....I got one on the way in March myself...
Don't know how to do bbcoding quite yet, so its just the link
I'm the weirdo in the middle, those are my sisters ^_^
Its me Chiyo (Naomi) the girl of coursein Hollywood
a bum dressed up in costume.....
Chiyo & Sihn & Stray