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Thread: I'm F'n sorry

  1. #1
    Community Member Sambvca's Avatar
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    Default I'm F'n sorry

    To: Anyone who has run a shroud with me. I lag there. I lag so bad, so hard. I take nice pictures of it though.

    here's me looting a chest that is [LAG] unopened

    here's the shroud defeated, but I see [LAG] Henry's at 50%. Yes, that's MY soulstone.

    Thank you to everyone who has helped carry me through this, and to the few that let me catch up.

    Turbine, can you tell me why? Just why. Every time. As soon as the 1st portat comes up in pt1, I'm 5 minutes behind.
    Last edited by Sambvca; 10-28-2008 at 02:09 AM.
    There's a 70% chance I was drunk, 20% hungover, 90% drinking, when I posted this. I think that's 185% alcohol is involved. You do the math, my grammar is immaculate.

  2. #2
    Community Member Ardanroth's Avatar
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    very nice of you to thank those that aided, but i think its a bit harsh to blame Turbine without having more facts.
    Does it happen only in the Shroud ?
    Does it happen on all graphic settings ?
    Got a decent Graphics card ?
    Got enough RAM ?
    Do you live in the States ?
    All ports that are required open ?

    now if you can say Yes to all of them, then id take it to Turbine

  3. #3
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    After seeing your screenshots, I may never complain about my lag again!
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

    "You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver

  4. #4
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    THis type of Lag is almost always Local. I've heard of this many times and have one guildy thats constantly plagued by this as well. He is admittiedly on a SUb-Par machine and we ususally attribute it to that.

    It seems when Many things are going on and Massive amounts of Damage is being calculated the stream fromTurbine to the PC is not processed fast enought.. Ether because its been slowed by something, Or your own processor cant keep up.

    I'd be curious to know what kind of System you have.. WHat video Card? AMount of Ram, Are al your Drivers upto date?

    There has to be a connection here somewhere as it certainly happens to a minority of players.
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    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardanroth View Post
    Got enough RAM ?
    my bet

  6. #6
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    happens to me all the time but I blame my ISP

    as soon as portals come up I start getting 30% or more packet loss

    just something I have to live with,

  7. #7
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    my bet
    Kargon have 4 gigs of ram, a very high end computermer, and shroud alwamays look like this to Kargon. In fact, kargon answermer to the list of questimions are all 'yes', with the exceptimion of 'only in shroud'. instead kargon get it on any fight that involve a lot of melee attackaming one targamet (Portamals, Harry, Sally, even some bossames in regulamar quemests with a very melee heavy group.) Gets worse the more dual wieldamers there are.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    Kargon have 4 gigs of ram, a very high end computermer, and shroud alwamays look like this to Kargon. In fact, kargon answermer to the list of questimions are all 'yes', with the exceptimion of 'only in shroud'. instead kargon get it on any fight that involve a lot of melee attackaming one targamet (Portamals, Harry, Sally, even some bossames in regulamar quemests with a very melee heavy group.) Gets worse the more dual wieldamers there are.
    Interesting. I also noticed the game getting choppy in Shroud groups with a lot of DPS, when beating on portals + pit fiend. Especially the sound btw... maybe you could try just messing with sound stuff (e.g. disabling all you can) see if it makes a difference?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    Kargon have 4 gigs of ram, a very high end computermer, and shroud alwamays look like this to Kargon. In fact, kargon answermer to the list of questimions are all 'yes', with the exceptimion of 'only in shroud'. instead kargon get it on any fight that involve a lot of melee attackaming one targamet (Portamals, Harry, Sally, even some bossames in regulamar quemests with a very melee heavy group.) Gets worse the more dual wieldamers there are. shroud problem (and any giant melee battle) is just like Kargon's.

    Or am I supposed to say..."Dittimmimo"?
    Looting's our business and business is good.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    Kargon have 4 gigs of ram, a very high end computermer, and shroud alwamays look like this to Kargon.
    Just to be clear: you're saying that every time you go into the shroud, you see things like Harry dying while his health is at 50%? Every time you're in the shroud and you open a chest, it appears unopen while you are looting it? Because those are the problems that the OP listed, and those are the problems I am associating with insufficient RAM.

    I suspect that this is not what you meant.

    The OP's complaints sound very similar to my personal experience when I was running with 512 or 1GB of RAM instead of 4.

  11. #11


    I have two older machines. Both using the same network. Both with 2 gigs running XP and NV 7800 GTX graphics. The core duo 2.2GHz processor machine does not get the shroud server lag once the portal beatdown starts. The Pentium M 2.1GHz does.

    Every time. Both are fine in parts 2 and 3. Part 4 and 5 depend on the number of melee.

    So I'm guessing processor, but it could also be the chipset or something else hardware related.

    It doesn't matter what gfx rez I run the laggy one at. Tiny windowed rez and lowest setting still gets laggy and out of sync with the server.

    Hmmm... I guess I could try scaling the processor speed on the faster one and see if there's a point where it gets out of sync.
    Casual DDOaholic

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    Just to be clear: you're saying that every time you go into the shroud, you see things like Harry dying while his health is at 50%? Every time you're in the shroud and you open a chest, it appears unopen while you are looting it? Because those are the problems that the OP listed, and those are the problems I am associating with insufficient RAM.

    I suspect that this is not what you meant.

    The OP's complaints sound very similar to my personal experience when I was running with 512 or 1GB of RAM instead of 4.
    I can't speak for Kargon, but in part 1 of the shroud, I almost always fall about 10 seconds behind the group, and sometimes much more. Very often by the last portal it hasnt even spawned on my screen or had more than 10% damage and I get the narrator dialogue that the quest is completed. I run out to the chest, sit for a bit, and eventually it pops open and everyone suddenly is at the entrance to the next round.

    In part 4, I have similar issues, but usually only 5 seconds behind the group or so. I have a guildy however that consistently falls much further behind in Part 4, but doesn't seem to have the same issues I have in part 1.

    Could be something specific to Kargon and I as I've had a couple of other posts where we both agree on this. I also have 4 Gigs of Ram and a decent machine, and I really have NO ISSUES other than the shroud, and major melee battles like the Stormreaver in TS and Reaver raids. Dragon is always smooth, but then again only a handful are beating on him.

    Not sure why this is...but there ya go...
    Looting's our business and business is good.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Sambvca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardanroth View Post
    very nice of you to thank those that aided, but i think its a bit harsh to blame Turbine without having more facts.

    now if you can say Yes to all of them, then id take it to Turbine
    I never blamed, I asked why. Anyway...

    Does it happen only in the Shroud ? Yes, and I usually catch up by part 2, but 5-7min late.
    Does it happen on all graphic settings ? Yes. I've tried my norm to extra low. I've even "detected optimal settings" as it happens, and it stayes on high
    Got a decent Graphics card ? GeForce 6800*
    Got enough RAM ? 1GB*
    Do you live in the States ? 20 miles from the servers
    All ports that are required open ? Yes

    *from the ddo suport faq

    Recommended System Requirements:

    Processor P4 3.0GHz or AMD equivalent with SSE 3.2 here
    Memory 1GB RAM check
    Graphics Card GeForce FX or better with 128MB of memory check? 256MB
    Network Connection Cable Modem or DSL connection check
    Software Windows XP, DirectX 9 check
    Disc Space 3GB 5GB for high resolution check
    There's a 70% chance I was drunk, 20% hungover, 90% drinking, when I posted this. I think that's 185% alcohol is involved. You do the math, my grammar is immaculate.

  14. #14
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    dispite what the specs say....1GB is not enough to run this game reliably.

    2GB minimum....especially if you run in windowed mode...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinar View Post
    dispite what the specs say....1GB is not enough to run this game reliably.

    2GB minimum....especially if you run in windowed mode...
    I concur. The specs were written 2.5+ years ago. THe last few mods have exceeded their orginal requirements.
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    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  16. #16
    Community Member Kirwin's Avatar
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    I have the same issue... But usually only in prt 1.
    This doesn't solve it, but I find I laggggggg out a heck of a lot less...
    I turn all my settings to the lowest, and disable extras.
    and in the troubleshooting panel turn game engine speed to HIGH or VERY HIGH.
    I have run a few shrouds since doing that a lot easier!! and if I do have lag problems
    then I seem to catch up ALOT faster... Setting the engine speed to low or very low will lagggggg you out completely and it will take forever to catch up! (I know! I tried to set it at lowest along with everything else... until I actually READ what it does in the description!!)
    GL! Hope it helps you as much as it helped me!!

  17. #17
    Community Member Ardanroth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sambvca View Post
    I never blamed, I asked why. Anyway...

    Does it happen only in the Shroud ? Yes, and I usually catch up by part 2, but 5-7min late.
    Does it happen on all graphic settings ? Yes. I've tried my norm to extra low. I've even "detected optimal settings" as it happens, and it stayes on high
    Got a decent Graphics card ? GeForce 6800*
    Got enough RAM ? 1GB*
    Do you live in the States ? 20 miles from the servers
    All ports that are required open ? Yes

    *from the ddo suport faq

    Recommended System Requirements:

    Processor P4 3.0GHz or AMD equivalent with SSE 3.2 here
    Memory 1GB RAM check
    Graphics Card GeForce FX or better with 128MB of memory check? 256MB
    Network Connection Cable Modem or DSL connection check
    Software Windows XP, DirectX 9 check
    Disc Space 3GB 5GB for high resolution check
    Never said you blamed Turbine, i said before we blame Turbine, sorry for the confusion.

    ok now we have more details, if you can afford more RAM update that 2 Gig +++.
    How many processes do you have running in the background, do they need to be running etc etc.

    However there seems to be a massive discrepency with the requirements for the rest of the game to the ones the Shroud require.

    Id like Turbine to answer why and if there are any additional steps we can take.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathseeker View Post
    I can't speak for Kargon, but in part 1 of the shroud, I almost always fall about 10 seconds behind the group, and sometimes much more. Very often by the last portal it hasnt even spawned on my screen or had more than 10% damage and I get the narrator dialogue that the quest is completed. I run out to the chest, sit for a bit, and eventually it pops open and everyone suddenly is at the entrance to the next round.

    In part 4, I have similar issues, but usually only 5 seconds behind the group or so. I have a guildy however that consistently falls much further behind in Part 4, but doesn't seem to have the same issues I have in part 1.

    Could be something specific to Kargon and I as I've had a couple of other posts where we both agree on this. I also have 4 Gigs of Ram and a decent machine, and I really have NO ISSUES other than the shroud, and major melee battles like the Stormreaver in TS and Reaver raids. Dragon is always smooth, but then again only a handful are beating on him.

    Not sure why this is...but there ya go...
    Some amount of lag is to be expected in the shroud, how much depends on your rig and connection. I'm sure everyone has experienced the lag where all of the strikes hitting the portals sound like they are happening at the same time (whomp! whomp! whomp!).

    However, lag at the level the OP suggests makes me think he's running with insufficient RAM (<2GB).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sambvca View Post
    Got enough RAM ? 1GB*
    ...and it looks like I was dead-on.

  19. #19
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  20. #20
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    If ram is the problem why am I experiencing the same thing?

    running core 2 duo

    4gigs ram

    8800gts 512mb

    every shroud run in part 1 as soon as the portals come up the rest of the party has to tell me when the portal is down. I am pretty much usless until part 1 is over, and then have to wait for the shrine and chests to spawn....

    Unless Vista is the problem.....

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