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Thread: TWF and monks.

  1. #21
    Community Member Sargoth's Avatar
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    Well, I guess you are basically going to have to decide if you would prefer your AOE abilities, or more attacks on your primary target.

    Personally, i'll take double my normal attacks on my single target dps, but your choice may vary.
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  2. #22
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    It's funny in DDO that Cleave > Great Cleave > Whirlwind, because each feat has approximately the same effect but the successively longer cooldowns make the later ones worse. In D&D, Whirlwind > Great Cleave > Cleave.
    Thats probably because the DDO implementation of Cleave/Great Cleave is quite different from their D&D version. Instead of granting an attack when you kill an enemy, yeah can attack everything in an arcing strike. Whereas the translation of Whirlwind Attack saw the feat remain exactly the same without any way to compensate for Cleave taking its territory.

    Personally I feel cleave should have been our 'glancing blow' feats (passive/toggle) that would generate them for what ever weapon is in your primary hand be it 2handed or 1handed. Its too late for that though

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TreknaQu'dane View Post
    Thats probably because the DDO implementation of Cleave/Great Cleave is quite different from their D&D version. Instead of granting an attack when you kill an enemy, yeah can attack everything in an arcing strike.
    The biggest problem is that because Whirlwind and Great Cleave are harder to qualify for, the devs decided that they must be a lot more powerful, and thus they deserved a longer cooldown time. That's just wrong, and in reality the greater arc of Great Cleave doesn't nearly compensate for the cooldown. The fastest way to somewhat fix these feats is to give them all the same 5-sec cooldown as Cleave.

    That way, Whirlwind makes sense to take instead of Cleave if you happen to meet the prereqs. It's pathetic that the single feat with the MOST different prereqs is so bad.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by baddax View Post
    Also i have heard that Deflect arrows works now. I have monk that has it but have not tested it recently. But like a said a freind of mine said it is now working, and is extremely useful ie. in pvp deflects 80% of ranged attacks. However i am not sure of this, and i was not read to let the cat out of that bag just yet. So anyone who has the time to test and verify this please do. It may be that i was misinformed.
    It has always worked in pvp(deflects one arrow every 5 seconds or something). The problem was it didn't work in pve(I'd guess because they don't classify what the monsters are shooting at you as arrows) and didn't work in pvp against non-arrow, non-bolts.

  5. #25
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strykersz View Post
    It has always worked in pvp(deflects one arrow every 5 seconds or something). The problem was it didn't work in pve(I'd guess because they don't classify what the monsters are shooting at you as arrows) and didn't work in pvp against non-arrow, non-bolts.

    No, i have heard this has been amped significanly. I will do some testing soon to see if it has changed from 1 arrow every 5 sec. The reason is a freind of mine who pvp's alot and has a "ranged" focused ranger, said he has seen it deflect a significant portion of his arrows fired in many shot fashoin something like 80 perecent or so. Like i said he could be pulling my leg but was very serious when he told me this. I will do some testing to see if this has changed (pvp) wise. Now as far as the other aspects of not deflecting bolts and even thrown weapon i was not aware of this issue. But my thoughts are if it is amped up to block 80% of arrows fired from a level 16 rangers many shot. The it should not be long before it will also work in PVE, which makes it a Situational worth wile feat on both accounts.
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  6. #26
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    I see very little time difference between the WW and GC attack,graphic. Maybe .2 ths of a second. Having said that the 15 second cool down timer does seem a bit excessive.The change from 1 360' attack to 2 360' revolution attacks is very nice though.
    Last edited by baddax; 10-28-2008 at 05:34 AM.
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  7. #27
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baddax View Post

    2)monks have 2 other monk only feats that are not "required" but are important to a monk build. deflect arrows and stunning fist.
    Deflect arrows sucks, if you are up against more than three archers, you will get pelted period. better to have a good AC and more HP.

    Stunning Fist is negligeable, find yourself some gloves of weighted, and pound away on them. I have +1 flaming of weighted 4% gloves and stun just about every enemy I come up against, and I dont have to be a twitch-skill master.

    So, with those two feats, either pick the TWF feats you want, or use them on feats you would otherwise spend your general feats on, so you can get the TWF feats you want.
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  8. #28
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baddax View Post
    Also i have heard that Deflect arrows works now. I have monk that has it but have not tested it recently. But like a said a freind of mine said it is now working, and is extremely useful ie. in pvp deflects 80% of ranged attacks. However i am not sure of this, and i was not read to let the cat out of that bag just yet. So anyone who has the time to test and verify this please do. It may be that i was misinformed.
    Personally I never tested Deflect arrows, I just know it's D&D roots, and don't expect it to be any better in this game, especially with the reviews I heard.

    If that's your monks thing, far be it of me to tell people how to build their monks, but the soon to be two capped monks (with a third at level 4) will not be using deflect arrows.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  9. #29
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    just got done checking my feats and i am good for swapping them out. My main concern was that i dont have alot of dragon shards just laying around so i didnt want to waste them IF it was going to be a class granted feat. Then i would have to use 3 more to swap them out again later.

    Alot of what i am finding is there are always tradeoffs, as i am always trying to pack more into less. For example if i can carry stunning blow feat then instead of using +1 weighted 5%, then i can use a standard plus 5 item which nets me a +4 attack and damage per attack, and still get my stunning effect with my monk ability. So i realize it is not much but every little bit helps, as we all know monks are not the DPS monsters that some other more established classes are.

    Also much of what i have been talking about concerns monks in general, not specifically my monk. I am currently very happy with my monk she is currently one of my most favorite characters to run. She is human so I really do have 1 "free" feat to play with on top of the debatable 3 free monk feats. She might not lead many kill counts but she gets her share and can hold her own in any fight, and is often one of the last ones standing if things go bad. Having said that i am always looking at ways to improve or tweak her to a better perfomance. I tend not to concern myself with nerfing or buffing of characters and tend to more flow with things as they come out. ie 2 weapon fighting? ok just swap some feats around and walla! continue on my merry way. Dont get me wrong i have no problem throwing my 2cents in while things are in developement but afterwards just suck it up and go on. At the end of the day it is only a game and i think some people tend to take it overly serious.
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