Here's my limited monk experience:

Use HANDWRAPS. Until you need a vorpal or wounder, use the handwraps. You attack much faster than dual anything else (the difference is quite big, at least 10%), and you only need ONE good handwrap rather than 2 for 2-kama-fighting. You also gain +2 to hit with handwraps (well not really, you just lose the -2 to hit from dual weilding), you never have to worry about an ooze again, and it looks better than every other 2 weapon user out there hehe. Oh and if you have more than 13 strength, your off hand will also do more damage. The only problem is stuff with DR, but thats hardly anything until the vale. A pair of transmuters for these rare occurences takes care of that.

Until lvl 12-14 or so, I wouldnt ever stop using handwraps. There's just no need for wounders or vorpals until you hit the gianthold or vale.