Looking for W/P Rapiers, Daggers, Short Swords and a heavy repeater.
Let me know if you have one to sale/trade and what you are looking for.
Looking for W/P Rapiers, Daggers, Short Swords and a heavy repeater.
Let me know if you have one to sale/trade and what you are looking for.
It is ok to hate me, I don't like me most of the time.
The Harsh Reality is "we both believe we are right"
People are strange
Relax, it is a game to be enjoyed.
+1 w/p SS
+2 w/p SS
+1 w/p Hvy Repeater
Looking for lots of larges (Scales high priority)
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
Hey Kongo, this is Chowonthis, among others. Thanks for post, but right now, I am holding on to the few larges I have left for a up and coming toon. Lag has been so bad, I haven't played in a week. Hoping the upgrades clear it all up soon.
It is ok to hate me, I don't like me most of the time.
The Harsh Reality is "we both believe we are right"
People are strange
Relax, it is a game to be enjoyed.
+1 W/P Heavy Repeater
Looking for Plat
Scourge Choker
Docent of Defiance
+2 tomes
Send me a PM with an offer
If your life's work can be completed in your lifetime, you're thinking too small.
~~Wes Jackson~~
So now that youre done posting how you dont buy w/ps cuz they cost too much in my thread your buying one in your own thread?
Where did I say I was not buying them? I made an offer for a heavy repeater. That was not accepted. That was as much plat as I was willing to go on a repeater. This post is about letting someone wanting to sale/trade one let me know what they are looking for. If we can come to an agreement, I trade them, otherwise, neither is harmed.
I did buy the +2 para/punct dagger that was listed other day.
It is ok to hate me, I don't like me most of the time.
The Harsh Reality is "we both believe we are right"
People are strange
Relax, it is a game to be enjoyed.